1609 Will - Richard Reeve
Dated: 18 Apr 1609, West Horndon, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 1 Jul 1609
Memorandum that uppn the xviiith daie of Aprill Anno Dm 1609 Richard Reeve of West Horndon in the Countie of Essex miller beinge sicke in bodie but yet of good and pfect mind & memorie doe make & declare his last will or disposicion ? ? me in these wordes followinge or to the like in effect videlicet Item he gave and bequeathed unto his daughter Mary the some of five shillings of good and lawfull money of England to be pd unto her within two yeares next after his death Also he gave & bequeathed unto his daughter Elizabeth the like feve shillings of lawfull money of England to be paid to her within two yeares next after his death. All the rest of his goods & chattles whatsoever he gave & bequeathed to Mary his wife willinge her to paie his debts and legacies and to see his bodie decentlie buried in xxian buriall And these words were spoken in the psece of Lawrence RogerThe mke of Lawrence Roger
the mke of Mary Reeve