1611 Will & Probate - Charles Ryves
Dated: Unknown, Hornchurch, EssexProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 26 Jan 1610/1
Recorded: Piece 117 (Wood), folio 38 reverse
In Dei nomine Amen I Chas Ryves Doctor of Divinitye vicar of Hornchurche beinge in good and pfect memorie, thoughe sicke & weake beinge of the age of fiftie hopinge nowe to ende my vaine daies, doe yaelde up all worldie cares and doe settle my poore state in manner and forme followingeFirst I committ my sowle to thy mercie Sweete Jesus humblie cravinge favour and remission of my sinne
Item I comitt my bodie to their care where I shall depte honestlie to be buried
Item I give Sr Jh Ryves my soale Ringe intreatinge him to weare it a while for my sake.
Item I give my hoope hoope Ringe to Mr Ward wth like request
Item I give my brother Doctor fyve yeardes of good broade clothe that doe lye by mee
Item I give to the pishe of Stanton five poundes
Item I give to the poore of Hornechurche five poundes
Item I leave to my successor all seelinge tables formes, one bed stedde, my iron and brasse
Item I give my sister Bellot my satten and taffatie cassackes to make her little ones some ragges
Item I have lyinge by me of my cosen? Legats these books, St Barnard. The Legend Demosthenes ?Chinthyouicks? in English, Scanderbage, Caurpions Reasons, Divers of Tullies Orations, Lett them be restored he knoweth what books he hath of myne all which I doe give him; Lastlie that bookes and hymnes and all be soulde and my debtes to be paide.
Item I make my brother William my Overseer to the use of his sonne Whoe can bestle settle my estate as in whose handes a pte of it is. Good Brother Willm sub Deo Cura And even nowe Come Lord Jesus come quicklie In the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holie ghost Amen By me Chas Ryves