1610 Will - William Reeve
Dated: 2 Nov 1610, Colchester, EssexProbated: Diocese of London, 4 Apr 1611
In the name of God Amen the second day of November in the eight yeare of the reigne of our Sovreigne Lord James by the grace of God kinge of England France and Ireland defender of the fayth &c and of Scotland the fowre and fortie Anno Dm 1610 I Willm Reeve of Colchester in the County of Essex Clothier belinge of good mynde and memory I priase god doe ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followingeFirst I comende my selfe both soule and body unto Almighty God my most mercifull and lovinge father stedfastly beleivinge to have free remission and forgiveness of all my sinnes and eternall life by the meritts of Jesus Christ my only saviour and Redeemer And as touchinge my outward estate and those goods wch God hath given mee my will & true meaninge for the disposinge of them is as followeth
First I give to Anne my wife my Geneva Bible a post bedstedle upon the Chamber where my sonne Daniel doth lye, my beast featherbead my best feather boulster A feather pillow, a pillow beer a good payre of sheets, a good payre of blanketts and my best covering
Item I give to the said Anne my wife my table in the plour where I doe now lye my cuphord that is upon the chamber a table cloth next the best, three table napkins a short table cloth for the table in the parlour and one sylver spoone
Item I give unto her a sow great with pigg with all the profitt of her and the one halfe of all my wooden brewinge vessells and my brasse in my bakeshonse? that hath a Rirble? And her wearinge apparell of woollen and linnen and all those things which shee brought when shee was married unto mee all wch legacies before given unto her I will shall be delivered faithfully unto her by my executor hereafter named within one moth next after my decease without any fraude and longer day or delay
Item I give to the said Anne my wife my two marells? of this yeare to be kept to her use with hay and pasture without her charge untill the first day of the month of May next to come after my decease and then to bee deliviered unto her or her assignes and I will that shee shall stande to the venture of them and to see to the keepinge of them in the meane time
Item I give to ye said Anne my wife twenty marks of lawfull money of England to bee well and truly paid unto her or her assignes by my said executor within foure monthes next after my decease And I will that shee shall remaine heere in the house with my sonne (if shee thinke so good) and to??fer yet at his charge untoll the receite of her money shee in the meane tyme beinge a helpe unto him if they can agree
Item I give to Daniel Reeve my sonne my post bedsted in the plour where yt doe lye my featherbed next the best ? fetherboulster next the best a paire of sheets a payre of blanketts & a coveringe all next the best my great table in the hall with the frame is ioyned ?ooles also the iron that is against the storke? in the hall chimney the barr of iron and the three tramels there and my greatest brasse pott
Item I give to Nathaniel Reeve my sonne twenty marks of lawfull money of England to be well & truly paid unto him on the first day of the month of May next to come after my decease yf it may please God he doe come home in ye meane time
Item I give to him my best dansk?chest and the third part of all my brasse and pewter and if they said Nathaniel Reeve my sonne shall not happen to come home to enjoye his said legacie before given him at the day aforesaid then I will and my true meaninge is that his legacie of twenty markes shall be well and truly delivered unto the hands of John Badcocke of Colchester clothier to the use and behoofe of my said sonne Nathaniel untill it may please God he doe come home And that the said John Badcocke his executors or assignes shall yearely and every yeare in the meane time increase the said legacie of twenty markes after eight powndes in the hundred (for the use thereof) to the and benefit of the said Nathaniel when he shall come to demand his said legacie
Item I will that the said John Badcocke shall upon the receipt of Nathaniel Reeve his legacie inter into sifficient bonde accordinge to law unto Mr John Waylett and to Henry Cleaveland both of Colchester aforesaid for the true payment of Nathaniel Reeve his said legacie of twenty marks together with the yearely use after eight powndes in the hundred when as hee shall come to demande the same And if certaine knowledge & true proofe shall happen to bee brought at any time of the said Nathaniel his death then I will his said legacie with such increase them due shall equally be devided between Daniel Reeve and Joseph Reeve my sonnes and Willm Reeve my nephew and Anne Reeve my neece the children of Willm Reeve my sonne deceased.
Item I give unto Joseph Reeve my sonne twenty powndes of good and lawfull money of England to bee well and truly paid unto him or his assignes on the first day of May next after the date hereof and I give unto him my best trundlebedsted my best stockebed and stocke boulster the best a fether pillow a paire of sheetes a paire of blanketts and a coveringe the best except those beforenamed A danskechest now standinge by my bedside where I doe lye A cuphor standing in the sam plour and the third part of all my brasse and pewter and the one halfe of my beames weights skales hardles & all such things as doe belonge unto them
Item I give to Willm Reeve my said nephew the sume of five pounds of lawfull money of England to be truly paid unto him at his full age of one and twenty yeares
Item I give to Anne Reeve my said neece three powndes of lawfull money of England to be truly paid to her at her full age of eighteene yeares and I will that Daniel Reeve my sonne shall keepe the said Willm Reeve my nephew with sufficient meate drinke and apparell untill he be full twelve yeares old and then to binde him apprentise to some honest man of some good trade
Item I give to Thomazine? Reve my daughter in lawe forty shillings of lawfull money of England to be payd unto her within one month next after my deccease
Item I give to Margaret Orums? ten shillings and to Mary May my wives sister tne shillings and to Willm Corke Clerke ten shillings to be paid to them within one month next after my decease And Daniel my sonne shall have the third part of all my brasse and pewter
All the rest of my goodes and chattells whatsoever of what kynde and quality soever they be unbequeathed I give them freely unto Daniel Reve my sonne whom I doe ordeine and make to bee sole executor of this my last will and testament to pay my Debts & legacies fuly and to execute ye forme and fulfill this my last will and testament in all points according to my true meaninge upon the fidelity and trust that I doe repose in him and to see my body in comly manner buried And I will that he shall prove this my will & testamt within one month next after my decease without any longer delay And at the probat thereof I will he shall enter into sufficient bond accordinge to law to Mr Wylett and Henry Cleveland aforenamed for the true payment of my legacies to and my wife to Nathaniel and Joseph my sonnes and to Willm Reve my nephew and Anne Reve my neece at such times as is afore specifies and I doe constitute nominate and appoint the said Mr Waylett and Henry Cleveland (my good frendes) to be supvisors heerunto And I doe give unto each of them tenn shillings desiringe them to doe what they may in this behalfe In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day & yeare abovewritten the 49 lyne & part of the 50 lyne were raned? before the sealing
W. R.
Sealed subscribed & for his last will and testament ackowledged & delivered in the prsence of Willm Corke John Waylett ? Robert Wynkle his marke