1616 Will - Nicholas Reeve
Dated: 21 Jan 1615/6, Saffron Walden, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry of Colchester, 4 Mar 1616
In the name of god amen the one and twenty daye of January in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand sixe hundred and fifteene and in the yeare of the Raigne of our Sovaigne Lord James by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Kinge Defender of the fayth &c the Thirteenth and of Scotland the Nyne and fortith I Nicholas Reeve of Walden in the County of Essex Cutler beinge sicke in boddy but of pfect minde and memory thanks be given to Almighty god therefore doe ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme as followeth First and principally I comend my soule into the hands of Almighty god my maker and of Jesus Christ my only saviour and Redeemer and my boddy to the earth whence it was made and to be buryed att the discretion of myne executrix hereafter named, And for ye disposinge of such temporall estate as it hath pleased god to lend me in this world my will and minde is as followeth, I give & devise unto Rose my wife all that messuage or tenement wth thapptynances wherein I nowe dwell situate lyinge and being in Walden aforesaid between the tenement of Nicholas Clarke on the ? ? and the tenement late Willia Turner on ye ph souls? and also all & singular the ? & yards gardens casements & apptynances whatsoever to and wch the said messuage or tenement comonly used? and in..ed to have and to hold unto the said Rose my wife for and duringe the terme of twelve yeares next and ymeduately in suinge and followeinge after the decease of me the said Nicholas Reeve yf she the said Rose shall soe longe live. Item I will give and appoynte my said messuage or tenement wth thapptynances to be sold wthin sixe monthes next after the end expuration and determynation of the said terme of twelve yeares hereby given unto my said wife by the treasour? and chamberlyne and the vicar of the said towne of Walden then for y tyme beinge to the best and most advantage and the mony thereof made to be given payed and devided as followeth that is to saye to Rose my wife xxth of lawfull monye goe as the said Rose doe relinquish convey anul? or otherwise releae to such pson or psons as my said messuage or tenement wth thapptenances shall be sold unto by the said treasurer chamberline & the vicar of the said towne of Walden for the tyme beinge all such right or tytles of dower or other estate wch she hath or maye fund in the said messuge or tenement wth thapptenances and otherwise I will that my said wife shall fund no pte of the mony to be made by the sale of the said messuage or tenement wth thapptynances also I will that all the residue of the mony to be made by the said sale of the said messuage or tenement wth thapptynances shall be equally devided by the said treasourer & chamberlyne and vicar of walden for the tyme beinge amongst such of my children wch I had by the said Rose my wife as shall be livinge att the tyme of the said sale to be made and yf my said wife shall soe refuse to relinquish releae or depte wth her estate as aforesaid then I will that the full same no pte of the mony arisinge of the sale hereof byt that the same shall be devided equally by the said treasourer and chamberline & vicar of Walden amongst such of my said children as shall be then lyvinge and yf it shall happen the said Rose my wife to dye before the said terme of twelve yeares be ended or determined then I will and my minde is that my said messiage or tenement wth thapptynances shall be sold by the said treasourer and chamberline & vicar of Waden for the tyme beinge wthin three monthes next after the decease of the said Rose my iwfe for allwayes as my said will shall happen to dye wthin the pish of Walden or where? said treasourer & chamberline & vicar of Walden for ye tyme beinge may & take knowledge of ye death of the said Rose or otherwise I will that the said sale be made of the said messuage or tenement wch thapptenances by the said treasourer & chamberline & vicar of Walden wthin three monthes next after then full sure certayne knowledge of the death of the said Rose And I will and my minde is that the monye soe to be made by the sale of the said messuage or tenement wth thapptynances shall be equally devided by the said treasurer & chamberline & vicar of Walden amongst such of my children wch I had by the said Rose my wife shall be then lyinge. Also I give & bequeath unto Thomsa Wilson a gymestone a plasyer? a vice? bearorm? Item I doe give and bequeath unto the said Rose my wife all my goods chattels debts and moveables whatsoever and I doe ordayne and make the said Rose my wife my sole & only executrix to see this my last will & testament pformed desiringe her to see my ebts payed my boddy decently buryed and my children diligenty and carefully brought up in the feare of God and the knowledge of his commandments and I have to this my will sett my hand & seale & published the same in the psence ofNichi (Sigm) Reeve
Nicholas Parker Nicholas Clarke Nicholas Foxe