1621 Will - William Reeve
Dated: 18 Jun 1621, High Easter, EssexProbated: Diocese of London, Dec 1621
In the name of god Amen The eightenth day of June in the yeare of or Lord God 1621 I William Reeve the yonger of high Easter in the County of Essex miller being sicke in bodye but thanks be to god therefore of good and perfecte remembrance doe make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in mannr and forme hereafter followeinge,First I give and bequeath my sole to the protection of Almightye god my redeemer and my bodye to be buryed at the discretion of myne executors
Item I give and bequeath unto Joane my wiffe one messuage or tennament together with one winde mill and one rodd of ground pcell of greate Staydon lyeinge and beinge in high Easter aforesaid duringe her naturall lyffe, and after her decease to Jeremye my eldest sonne and to his heires and assignes forevr uppon condicon that Jeremye my sonne his heires or assignes shall well and truely paye or cause to be payd unto Joane my daughter the full some of tenne pounds of lawfull money of England at fyve sevrall payements that is to saye fortye shillings yearelye the first payment to begin at the Michaelmas firste & moneshes? after the decease of Joane my wiffe and William Reeve my father and further my will and mynd ys that Jeremye my sonne his heires or assignes shall well and truely paye or cause to be payd unto James my sonne the full some of tene pounds of lawfull moneys of England at fyve sevrall payments that is to saye fortye shillinges yearelye next after the aforesaid fyve yeares and further my will and mynd is that Jeremye my sonne his heires or assignes shal well and truelye paye or cause to be payd unto Jane my daughter the full some of tenne pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her at fyve sevrall payements as ys aforesaid the first payement to begin at Michaelmas next after the two former fyve yeares, and further my will and mynd is that Jeremye my sonne his heires or assignes shall well and truely paye or cause to be payd unto Judith my daughter the full some of tenne pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her at five sevrall payements as is aforesaid the first payment to begin at Michaellmas next after the three former fyve yeares. Provided allwayes that if Jeremy my sonne his heires or assignes doe not well and truely paye or cause to be payed unto Joane my daughter and James my sonne and Jane my daughter and Judith my daughter all such sevrall somes of money as are aforesaid bequeathed that then it shall and maye be lawfull for Joane my daughter and James my sonne and Jane my daughter and Judith my daughter or any of them to enter in and uppon the aforesaid demised premises and evry pte and pcell thereof and the same to have hold occupye and enioye untill they be fullye satisfyed and payd such sevrall somes of money as are aforemenconed and further I give and bequeath unto Joane my wife all the residue of my goods or household stuffe, and further my will and mynd is that Joane my wiffe shall uphold and keepe the aforesaid house and mill in good and sufficient reparrations and so uphold and keeps the mill in good and ample mannr with good and sufficiente stones and all other ymplements necessarye to be used in the mill
Item I make and ordeyne Joane my wiffe my sole executor of this my last will and testament, In witness whereof I have set my hand and seale the daye and yeare above written
William Reeve
Sealed and delivered in the presence of hym
John Bremer and Philemon Bremer