1627 Will - Andrew Reeve
Dated: 7 Feb 1627/8, Hatfield Peverel, EssexProbated: Consistory Court of London, DL/C/419/299, 11 Sep 1627
In the name of god Amen the seventh daye of februarie in Anno Dme 1627 I Andrew Reeve of hatfield Pevrell in the countie of Essex husbandman being weake in body yet of good and pfect memory god be blessed doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following vizFirst I give my soule into the hands of Almighty god trusting through the death of Jesus Christ my saviour to have eternall life and happiness and my bodie to be buryed in the churchyard aforesayed and for those goods wich god in mercy hath bestowed upon mee my mind and will it as followeth
First I will and beequests unto Alexander Flake? ten shillings of corant mone to be payed to him within one monthe after my deces
I will and bequeath unto grace payen xx shillings to be payed her within on monthe after my deces
I will and bequeath unto Ann F?yech xxx shillings of like curant monie
I will give and bequeth all the rest of my goods & monies and corne and cattell and household stufe whatsoever to be equally devided betweene my three brothers Richard Reeve and John Reeve and Matthew Reeve allways pvided my debts payed and my funerall discharged in a comly and desent order and my will proved? at? equall rest
And I will make my brother John Reeve my executor of this my last will and Testament and I apoint Henry Birde? to bee the overseer of this my will and I give him eaightine pens to see it done
In witness whereof I set to my hand and seale in the presence of
Andrew Reeve
Thomas Williams
Irobert? (his I mark) ra?nell? of ?