1630 Will - William Reeve


1630 Will - William Reeve


Dated: 5 May 1630, North Weald Bassett, Essex
Probated: Archdeaconry of Essex, 1 July 1630


In the name of god amen the fifth day of May in the yeare of or Lorde god after the computation of the church of England 1630 I William Reeve of the pish of Northweald Bassett in the Countye of Essex yeoman beinge sicke & weake in bodye yet of good & pfect Remembrance thanks & praise be given to all myghtie god for the same, doe make & ordaine this my psent testament conteining herein my last will in manner & forme followinge that is to saye first I give & bequeath my soule in to the handes of almightie god my maker & only redeemer & my bodye to the earth to be buried in Christian buriall
Item I give unto the ppore people of ye pish of northweald Bassett aforesaid the full some of twenty shillings of lawfull money of england to be distributed unto twelve yt land most nere? wthin three monthes after my discease at ye discretion of mine executors
Item I give unto Ann my wife the tenement situate in northweald neare Duck land & now in ye tenure & occupation of Francis Pale? wth thapurtenances thereto belonging duringe the terme of her naturall life & after her decease to Ann my daughter & to her heires for ever.
Item I give unto Ann my daughter all that my tenement wherein I now dwell wth all those pcells of land knowne by what name or names soever wth thapurtenances thereunto belonging & now in my owne occupation upon condition yt she shall pay to her mother & the yearly rent o seaven pounds of good & lawfull money of England at fower severall tearmes in the yeare yt is to say one the 25th of June (35th) the 25th of September (35th) the 25th of December (35t) the 25th of Marche (35) as they shall come after my discease by even & equall portions & if it shall happen that the yearly rent of vii shall not be payd then it shalbe lawfull for Ann my wiffe to have & inioy all my land during her life if she doth lawfully demand the same and this my tenement & land wth thapurtenances to remaine & abide to Ann my daughter & to the heires of her bodie lawfully begotten & for want of such issue I will & my mynde is yt shall remaine to Ezekiell Glascocke my sonn in law & Abigall Glascocke my daughter in law & to there heirs for ever equally to be dievided betwene them two?.
Item I give unto William Benton my servant the some of fortie shillings of good & lawfull money of England to be payd to him by mine executor wthin six monthes after my decease
Item I will that my daughter Ann shall pay unto her brother Ezekiell Glascocke the some of fifty shillings & unto her sister Abigall Glasocke the some of fifty shillings of good & lawfull money of England wthin three moneths next after my dicease.
Item the rest & residue of all my goods & chattells whatsoever & give & bequeath to Ann my wife & to Ann my daughter whome I make my whole executors to see my debts payd my legacies full filled & my body decently buried and to remaine together here in this house & use it together vi monethes after my decease to doe all thinges in quiete & then my daughter Ann to begin to pay the rent aforesaid And I doe intreat my brother in in law Nicholas Gower & Thomas Archer my friendes to be over seears of this my will & I doe give them ten shillings a pece for there paines over & above the charges yt they shalbe at any way about yt business to be paide by my daughter Ann wthin thre monethes after my dicease.
In witness whereof I have sett my hande & seale in the presence of the witnesses hereafter named
the mark of William Reeve

witness heerunto
Richard ??ford
Ezecias? Abigland?


Essex Archives - D/AEW 19/26