1630 Will - Richard Ryves
Dated: 15 Mar 1630/1, Child Okeford, DorsetProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 23 Jul 1631
Recorded: Piece 160 (St John), folio 113
In the name of God Amen the fixteenth day of March in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand sixe hundred and thirtie I Richard Ryves of Childockford in the County of Dorst gent beinge sicke and weake in bodie yet of good and pfect remembrance thanks be given to Almightie god beinge willinge and desirous in my life time to settle and dispose of my goods and psonall estate in such wise as that the same maye after my death be disposed of and imployed accordinge to my intent and meaninge hereafter expressed doe therefore make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge that is to saieFirst I recomend and bequeath my soule into the hand of Almightie God hopinge and assuringe myselfe to be saved by the prcious death and passion of my only saviour and Redeemr Jesus Christ, And my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in the pishe church of Childorkford aforesaid
Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of the pishe of Childorkford aforesaid the sum of fortie shillings the same to be distributed amongst them by my wief as these shall think meete
Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of the pishe of Sturmister Newton in the said Countye of Dorset the like some of fortie shillings to bee by my said wife distributed amongst them as thee shall thinke meete
Item I give and bequeath unto my servant John Nicholls the some of tenn pounds of currant money in discharge of all promises and agreemts by me had and made unto his father at his coming into my service.
Itm I give and bequeath unto Robert Bowden my servant the some of fortie shillings of current monye and one of my cloakes.
Item I give and bequeath unto all my maide servants wch shall serve me at the tyme of my death the some of twentie shillings by peece of like money.
Item I devise unto my wief all my freehold lands in Childorkeford aforesaid not being assured heir for her best? untill my sonne Richard shall accomplish his age of two and twenty yeares directing my said wief out of the proffits thereof to cause my said somme to be bedd up in learning and other discipline and whereas it was and is my cheif ayme and intendent to breed upp my said sonne in learning and other educacon whereby to make him readye and fitt to doe my right world good friend and kinsman Sr Thomas Freke knight and his children service Now yf I shall be prevented by death before I cann accomplish my said desyer and intencon therein then I heereby humblie desier the said Sr Thos Freke to take my said purpose and intencon into his confideracon and to bestowe uppon my said sonne his respect countenance and favour and to accept of him as his servant when my said sonne shall be able and fitt to doe him service All the rest of my goods houshould stuff money bills bondes plate beddinge lynnen cattell sheepe corne haye wood all other utensells whatsoever I hereby give and devise unto Edith my dearely beloved wief whome I hereby make my sole executrix of this my last will and testament in treating my said wief to imploy and dispose of my said psonall estate unto and amongst my fower daughters Ann Elizabeth Edith and Dorothy Ryves or unto such of them as shee shall thinke fitt And I doe direct my said daughters to be ruled and govrned? by my said wief both in their breedinge and preference in marriage by and wth the advice of my cosen Geo Ryves of Randleston Robert Ryves and Robert Burbidge whome I heereby intreate to be ayding and assisting unto my said wife and children theren.
Itm I give unto Edmond Sliby one of my cloakes and such other of my apprerell as my wief shall think fitt
Itm whereas I have by for divers yeares past trusted in and about the reserving of the Rents of certaine lands in Beera Marshe called the Bridge lands and during that time have disbursed in and about the repayringe of Heyward Birdge and the wayes and passages thereunto adjoyning divers and sundry somes of money and doe Conceave that there is in my handes of the same rents more then I have disbursed in repacons as aforesaid the sume of twelve poundes or thereaboutes whc twelve poundes I doe hereby direct and appoint my said wife to pay and deliver unto the said Tho Freake to bee by him and other the feoffees of the same Bridge handees imployed and disposed of in and about the repayringe of the same Bridge as they shall think fitt witness my hand and Seale hereunto the daye and yeare above said
Richard Ryves
Signed Sealed published and declared by the abovenamed Richard Ryves the testator to bee his last will and testament the daye and yeare above said in the prsence of us
George Ryves Robert Ryves Abrah Forrester Thomas Brewer Ro Burbydge