1635 Will - Ann Reeve


1635 Will - Ann Reeve


Dated: 24 Aug 1635, North Weald Bassett, Essex
Probated: Archdeaconry of Essex, 1 Oct 1635


In the name of God Amen the 24 day of August in An Dm 1635 I Ann Reeve of the pshe of Northweald Bassett in the countye of Essex widowe being yll & weake in body yet of good mynd & memory laude & pvay? be to almightie god doe make & ordeine this my psent testament & last will in manner & forme following viz
First I give & bequeath my soule into the hands & ptection of Almightie god my maker & onely Redeemer trusting assuredly by the death passion resurrection ???ion of my lorde & savior Jesus Christ and by a true & lyvely faith in him to gaine life everlasting And my body I comitt to the Earth to be buried in the pishe Churchyard of Northweald Bassett aforesaid And as touching my worldly goods wch god in mercy hath bestowed on me here in this life, my will & mynd is as followeth
Itm I give to Simon Linch? clerke yt he doe preach at my buriall the some of ten shillings
Itm I give unto my sister in lawe Elizabeth nowe wife of Nicholas Gower the some of fortye shillings in mony to be payd to her wthin three monthes next after my decease
Itm I give unto the poore people of the pishe of Northweald Bassett aforesaid the some of xxth to be distributed unto them at the discrecon of my executor & ovrseer hereafter named
Itm I give unto my Grandchild Savag Glasco my best Bedsteadell wth the best fetherbed the best boulster two blanketts one pillowe the best ?ynering wth the curteyns & corten bedde, the greatest playne chest in the loft, one playne box and the biggest brasse pott more I give to her the said Savag my best presse? cubberd in the plor and one lynnen wheele and one brasse or cotten cpating?? and one bible wth bosses
Itm I give & bequeath unto Rose Glasco my grandchild one joyned besteadell one fetherbed a fether boulster & pillow two blanketts & a lyneing theirunto belonging the biggest joyned chest in the loft one joyned forme? & a spinning wheele
Itm I give & bequeath unto my grandchild Richard Glasco my longe tabe & frame in the hall three great joyned stooles & the best joyned chest in the loft one chayer one spitt & adripping pan one great caldron of brasse & two payer of the best tower sheets my mault ? wth the whoe furniture
Itm I will all the best of my brasse & pewter shalbe equally devided betweene my three foresaid grandchildren and my will & mynd is that if any of them dye before they have receyved their legacie to them given as aforesaid that the parte of him or her soe dying shall remayne to the survivor or survivours of them
Itm all my lynnen not bequeathed I will shalbe equally devided betweene my two grandchildren Savag Glasco & Rosse Glasco and yf eyther of them dye before she shall receyve her pte the survivour to have the whole
Itm I give unto my grandchild Benony Gasco one playne Chest in the loft on the hall my biggest spitt & my biggest dripping pan and if he happen to dye before he shall receyve them then I will they shall remayne to his sister Savag
Itm my will & mynd is that all my cattell of all sorth viz beafe sheepe hogge & mare shall be sould by my executor & on best pereafts? named for the best benifitt that they can, and the monyes thereof arrising & coming to remayne in my executors hands to the use of my grandchildren hereafter named equally among them viz Savag Glasco Rosse Gasco Richard Glasco John Savell, Richard Savell, And if any of them happen to dye before they shall receyve their pte the same to be & Remayne among the rest wch shalbe lyving and my will & mynd is that whatsoever I have before bequeathed unto my grandchildren or any of them shall be & remayne in my executors hands untyll they shall come to their sevrall ages of one & twentye yeers or else be married wch shall first happen And then to be payd sevrally unto them as they shall come of ages
Itm I give unto my kinsman & late servant Willm Benton xx in mony
Itm I give to my mayde servant Elizabeth hardy x in mony my russett ptcoote? & wastcoote
Itm I give to Ann Savill my daughter my beste redd peticoote my best bussett peticoote my best hatt & best cloake
Itm I give all the rest of my apparrell unto my daughter in lawe Roose Clasco
Itm all the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give them wholely to John Savill my sonne in lawe whome I make my executor to pforme my will according to my true meaning and I doe appoynt Nicholas Gower & Nicholas Archer the younger to be my ovrseers and I give them for their paynes x a peece In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & yeere first above written in the prce of Francis Reade John gl...ins

the marke An Reve widdow


Ann was the widow of William Reeve of North Weald Bassett, Essex.


Essex Archives - D/AEW 19/348