1632 Will - Adam Reeve
Dated: 9 Feb 1631/2, Saffron Walden, EssexProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 24 Nov 1636
Recorded: Piece 172 (Pile), folio 167 reverse
In the name of God Amen the nynth day of Februarie Anno Domini 1631 And in the Seaventh year of the raigne of our sovereaigne Lord Charles by the grace of God king of England Scotland France Ireland Defender of the faith &c I Adam Reeve of Saffon Walden in the County of Essex saylor being at the present tyme of good sound & perfect health & memory tanks? be God therefore and boundforth with Jonas for the East Indyes consideringe with my self the certainty of Death and the uncertaintly of the tyme when, Doe make & declare this my last will & Testament in forme followingFirst I comend my soule to Almightie God my body I recomend to the Earth and as touching my worldly estate which I now hae or to mee of right belonging either by this my xtended voyage to be due or otherwise howsoever I give & bequeath the same as followeth
Item I give & bequeath unto my loveing mother Rose Archer Saffon Walden widdowe the some of thirty shillinge of lawfull money of England
Item I give to my sister Mary Capp wife of Anthony Capp of greate chesterford in Essex taylor twenty shillinge of like money to my Brother William Reeve
I give twenty shillinge to Robert Reeve my brother twenty shillinge
Item I give & bequeath unto Nicholas Reeve of the pcinct of St Katherine cutler my debt being first payd all & singular the rest & residue of my estate goodes righte wages & thinge of myne whatsoever and of this my last will & nominate & make the said Nicholas sole executor wittnes my hand and seale the day & yeare abovesaid
Adam Reeve
Sealed & delivered in the presence of Edward Sandy forth servant to ?ash Bom? Sen