1640 Will - Richard Rives
Dated: 20 Dec 1640, St Peter Paul's Wharf, Middlesex
Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 30 Jun 1641
Recorded: Piece 186 (Evelyn), folio 274
Memorandum that uppon Friday the twentieth day of December Anno dm one thousand sixe hundred fourtie or thereabouts
Richard Rives of the parish of Saint Peeter neere Paules wharfe London gentleman beinge sicke of bodie but of perfect mind and memorie did send for his then mistreis Elizabeth Rives to come unto him and in her presence and other witnesses whose names are underwritten did declare his last will and testament nuncupative by word of mouth in manner and forme followinge or the like in effect vizt that whereas hee had and was seized of a peece of land of the value of twenty eight pounds lawfull English money per annum or thereabouts his mind and will was that his mother Edith Rives should have and enjoy the same duringe her naturall life and that after her decease that and all the rest should bee equally divided betweene his fower sisters there beinge then and there present the said Mrs Elizabeth Ryves Edmond Perriuall Peeter the Apothecarie ? Elizabeth the Quirst? keeper and others
England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 (Ancestry)