1651 Will - Mathew Reeve
Dated: 13 Apr 1651, Hatfield Peverel, EssexProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 17 Jun 1651
Recorded: Piece 217 (Grey), folio 197
Memorandum I Mathew Reve of Hatfeild Peverill in the County of Essex yeoman beinge weake in body therowe sicknesse but of a disspossinge abillity of monde and perfect memory doe constitute and make my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followingeImprimis I give to Elizabeth Robinson my Grandchild two hundred pounds whe she shall accomplishe the full age of twenty one yeares or at the day of her marriage wch shall first happen, provided allwayes my will and minde is that shee shall not merry without the consent of my trustees heerafter mencioned
Item I give and bequeath all my lands tenements and hereditaments lyeinge and beinge in the severall pishes of Fairstead and Terlinge to Mathew Raven my Grandchild and his heires for ever
Item I give and devise to John Robinson my grandchild all these lands tenements hereditamts lately morgaged and forfeited to me and my heires by and from Edward Bendloes of Finchingfeild in the County of Essex to have and to hold the aforesaid lands and tenements to the said John my grandchild and to his heires and assignes for ever
Item I give and devise to Mathewe Robinson my grandchild all these my customary lands and tenemts holden of the mannor of Bluatts Hall lyeinge in Witham in the aforesaid Couty and to his heyres and assignes for ever
Item I give and bequeath to the children of my two Brothers John and Richard Reeve tenn shillings a peice
Item I give to my kinswoman newman Fanninge twenty shillings
Item I give and bequeath to the foure daughters of my Brother Edward Abbott of Cogsternes? forty shillings a peice
Item I give and bequeath to Joane Lewell of Cogshall mag and her daughter Grace fourty shillings a peice
Item I give and bequeath to Judith Reeve daughter to my Brother Richard Reeve twenty shillings
Item I give to my foure servants twenty shillings a peice beside and above the wages due to them
Item I give to Anthony franke of Hatfeild Peverill aforesayd my kinsman twenty shillings
Item I give to the poore of the parishe of Hatfield Peverill forty shillings to be distributed amonge them at the discretion of my trustees upon the day of my Buryall
Item I ordayne nominate and appointe my two grandchildren John Robinson and Mathew Robinson to be executors of this my last Will and Testament
Item my will and minde is and I doe heereby constitute and appoint my loveinge freinds John Maydston of Boxted gent John Stalham of Terlinge Revd Edward Reyner of Terlinge and Anthony Westwood of Hatfeild Peverill yeoman supaavisors of this my will and guardias and trustees to my aforesaid foure grandchildren duringe their minorty desireinge my aforesayd friends to apprise my goods and chattles within doores and without and to dispose of the same for the payments of my debts and legacies and education of my aforesayd grandchildren as also to let set and receive all the rents issues and profits of all the aforemencioned lands and tenements for the good and benefytt of my aforesayd grandchildren
Item I give and bequeath to my afiresayd trustees forty shillings a peice for legacys and the charges they shall be at in mannaginge my estate
the marke of Mathewe Reeve
Published to be the Last Will and Testament of the abovesayd Mathew Reeve and signed and sealed by him April 13 1651 in the presence of Ja Perks Thomas Godbold Daniell Coys
The seaventheenth day of June 1651 there yssued foorth letters of Admracon to John Maydston John Stalham, Edward Reyner, and Anthony Westwood supervisors named in the will of the sayd deceased haveinge goods chattells and debts in severall jurisdictions sufficient funnds & accordinge to the tennor and effect of his sayd will duringe minorty and to the use of John Robinson and Mathewe Robinson the grandchildren and Executors of the sayd deceased they the sayd supervisors beinge first sworne by comission faythfully to Admr the same