1651 Will - Thomas Ryves
Dated: 31 Dec 1651Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 5 Jan 1651/2
Recorded: Piece 220 (Bowyer), folio 96 reverse
In the name of the holy and undivided Trinity father sonne and holy ghost Amen Amen I Thomas Ryves of the Citty of London Doctor of the Laws being for ought I know of sound and perfect health of body but subject to all changes and chances of this life and desirous in this my time of health to settle my small estate in such manner as I desire to have it goe after my departure doe hereby revoke and cancell all former wills and testaments at any time heretofore by me made in writeing our without and doe will that this present writeing shalbe and stand for my last will and testament in manner and forme following I do therefore hereby make and declare my deerely beloved and ??lesse loveing wife Elizabeth Ryves sole executrix of this my last will and testament And unto her I give all my goods debts and cattells and whereas I have bought certaine lands neere Wainfleete in the County of Lincolne of his Majestie conteyneing by esetimacon foure hundred and thirty acres or theire abouts, which Lands I have taken in the names of my loveing cosen John Freake of Cerne in the County of Dorsett Esqr and of William Chamberlin of Tilton in the County of Leicester gent my loveing freind in trust for me my heires and assignes I doe hereby give devise and bequeath all the said lands with thappurtenances and the letters pattents by which they were granted from his maistie to my said wife Elizabeth Ryves and her heires for ever And I doe pray direct and appoint the said John Freake and William Chamberlin upon reasonable demand to grant convey and assure over the said Letters Pattents and lands with thappurtenances and all their interest therein unto my said wife and her heires to the use of her and heires and to noe other person or persons use or uses whatsoever and whereas also I did of late joyntly with my deceased friend Sr Clement Cottiall knight purchase certaine lands from the king lying in harlaxton and in other places and parishes thereto adjoyneing in the said County of Lincolne wth lands wee tooke from the king in the names of my aforesaid liveing kinseman John Freake and of William Bussy of Westminster gent as by the said Letters pattents may appeare not withstanding in trust to the use of us and our heires and assignes I doe hereby give devise and bequeath all my moitis part and purpoart of the said lands unto my said loveing and beloved wife and her heires forever. And I doe pray direct and appoint my said cosen John Freake and William Bussey upon reasonable demand to grant convey assure assigne and make over all that my moity part and purport of my said lands with the appurtenances unto her my said wife and to her heires and assigns and to noe other person or persons whatsoever. Also I doe devise and bequeath all other my lands tenements and hereditaments whatosever to my said loveing wife her heires and assigns to hold to her her heires and assigns forever Also I doe hereby give to Martin Chamberlin my servant the sume of twenty pounds & John Salmon my nephew and servant the sume of ten peeces praying my wife to be carefull of him to my loveing nephew John Crooke a ring of five peeces praying him not to measure my love by the smalenes of the legacy which I leave him and lastly I give to the poore of the parish of St Gregories London the sume of forty shillings for the rest I comitt my body to Christian buriall, and my soule I comend into the hands of him that dyed for it in full assurance of a reunion of my soule and body at the last day and of life eternal by the meere mercy and free gift of a mercifull father in Jesus Christ my alone Lord and Saviour Amen And now will I lay me downe and sleepe and take my rest for it is thou Lord only that shall make me sleepe and rest in safety. Credo videre bona domini in terra viventia this will was transcribed out of a former will of mine written all with my owne hand by my cosen Frances Standby and is my last will and testament T Ryves published for Thomas Ryves his last will and testament the day and yeare and time above mentioned in the presence of us Fran Standbey John Salmon Walter GoodMemorandum that whereas I Thomas Ryves knight have former published and declared all the writeing within mentioned for my last will and testament as doth and may appeare by the date thereof and whereas I have good right and title to all the lands in harlaxton and other places in my said will mentioned to be purchased by me and Sr Clement Cotterell ? thence deceased I doe hereby further will and devise all the said lands and all my estate and right therein both in law and ? unto my loveing wife and her heires and assignes forever and that my said trustees in this my will mentioned and their heires and assigns shall convey and assure all my lands what bonds in this my sayd will mentioned to my said wife and her heires and assignes And with these addicons only I doe againe publishe and declare the said writeing within mentioned by me formerly published for my last will and testament dated this one and thirtieth day of December in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred fifty and one. Subscribed by me Sr Thomas Ryves knight
Republished for the last will and testament of Sr Thomas Ryves the day and yeare above mentioned In the presence of us Rencher Will Hope John Oldfield Judith Culuse Babb Thurgood
This will was proved at London the fifth day of January in the yeare of our Lord God according to the English stile one thousand six hundred fifty one before John Exton Doctor of Laws Surrogate of Sr Nathaniel Bucer knight and also Doctor of Laws master or Keeper of the prerogative Court by the oath of Dame Elizabeth Ryves the Relict of the said Deceased and executrix named in the said will to whom was committed administration of all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased shee being first legally sworne well and truly to administer the same.