1657 Will - Ethelred Rives


1657 Will - Ethelred Rives


Dated: cSep 1657, Shaston (Shaftesbury) St James, Dorset
Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 25 Jun 1658
Recorded: Piece 281 (Wootton), folio 55 reverse


Memorandum that in or about the moneth of September in the yere of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fiftie seaven Etheldred Rives of Shaston St James in the Countie of Dorset being then weake in bodie but of good and perfect memorie did make and declare his Last Wil and testament Nuncupative or by word of mouth in these or the like words following: that is to say It is my will that my cosen Edward Rives and his children shall have and I doe give unto them all my monie and goods that I shall have at the time of my death which words he soe declared & spake in the presence & hereing of Andrew Sharpe and Maud Sharp his wife whom he desired to take notice of the words by him soe spoken. And that they were and should stand for his will or to the like effect.
Andrew Sharp his mke
Maud Sharpe her mke

The five and twentieth daie of June one thousand six hundred fiftie Eight Issued forth Letters of Admn to Edward Rives the kinsman and principall legatarie named in the Last Will and Testament Nuncupative of Ethelred Rives Late of Shaston St James in the Countie of Dorset deceased. To Administer the goods chattels and debts of the said deceased according to the tenor and effect of the said will. He being by commission first sworne trulie to administer.
Examined by us Jo Stephens Nory Publ.
Henry Stephens


England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 (Ancestry)