1660 Case - John Budd, Jr. vs Richard Skidmore

1660 Case - John Budd, Jr. vs Richard Skidmore

1660 Case - John Budd, Jr. vs Richard Skidmore


The following statement was part of a court case held on 28 May 1660 under the Court of Magistrates at Newhaven.


John Corey, (out his affection to Wm Solmans children (as he sd) for the kindenesse he had received from their father,) did now tender to part wth a peice of land wch was his by the guift of Wm Solman, for wch he will accept of corne, cattell and wampom (at a due vallue) for pay, & abate 20s of the price as it shall be determined by goodman Reeues, goodman Purrier, goodman Terry & goodman Tucker, who were by ioynt consent now chosen to determine that question, if John Concklin accept, & Wm Solmans sonne may enioy it.


The details of the case and the names mentioned indicate that most of those involved in the case were residing in Southold and concerned property at Hashamomuck which is in Southold. Wesley Baker in his book Study of the Reeve Family and others have concluded the Thomas Reeves (appearing as Reeues in the transcription) is almost certainly Thomas Reeve of Southold as he seems to be the only Reeve in the area at that time.


Hoadly, Charles J., M. A. (1858). Records of the colony or jurisdiction of New Haven, from May, 1653, to the union. Together with New Haven code of 1656, p353