1664 Will - Elizabeth Reevis
Dated: 5 Apr 1664, Bocking, EssexProbated: Archbishop of Canterbury: Peculiar of Deanery of Bocking, 30 May 1665
Memorandum that upon Munday the ffith of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord one thousand sixe hundred sixtye and foure and in the sixteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and soe forth I Elizabeth Reevis of Bocking in the County of Essex single woman being sicke in body but of perfect minde and memorye doe make her last will and Testament Nuncupative in these words or in words to same effect, First I give and bequeath my soule to god and my body to be decently buried, And as for my worldly goods I dispose of them in manner following (viz) whereas formerly there was a contract of marriage made betweene ye sd Elizabeth and Edward Davey in consideration of that contract I give and bequeath all my goods chattells chattells and household stuffe and implements of house hold and all my ready mony whatsoever to my husband Edward Davey whoe I make and ordeine my sole executor of this my will In the presence of Credible witnesses.Mary Morrell Sign
Mary Peirres Sign
Test Elizabethe Reevis de Bocking solut defte 30th May 1665