1667 Will - John Reave
Dated: 10 Dec 1667, Hatfield Broad Oak, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 6 Mar 1667/8
In the name of God Amen the tenth day of December in the year of ower Lord onthousand sixe hundred sixtie and seavine in the minetene year of the reain of ower sovrin Lord kinge Charles the seacond I John Reave of Hatfilld Bradocke or other wise kinge hatfilld coppier doe macke this my last will and testament thou? sucke in boody yet in good remembrans praysed be godFirst I give and bequeth my soulle in to the handes of the all mighti God my faithfull creator and Redemer and my body to be berried in the church yeared of Tackle in fill a suerance of a joy full resurrection of conferming my temporall goodes I give in manuer and forme following
First I give and bequeath my maid sarviant Christian horsnayle that messag and tenniment that was tacken from Toppis and formerly knowne by a Maught house with the orchard and all the appurtinces that thare unto belongine and I guve unto Christin Horsnayle the Truncke? and all that is in it that was my sistur Ann and give bei? sute or ??? and give allso a trundill bead and the bead that I liy on and beadin and appayer of sheates and too pollow beares which are knowne by their semes
Sacondly I give unto John Nickehoules and his Sarah that massuage and tennimment that was bought of Aburham Grene which the widow Rumbull now live in with orchur ought houses and all the appertiancis that thare unto belongin all I give and bequeath unto John Flille? my tooles and timber and I guve unto the wife of Hinnuri Skill my sister Ann Grenne suite all so give and be queath unto Hinnuri Skill fouer poundes a year to be payd quartarly during his life ought of my house at Hatfilld within yeare of I have sett my and selle and I macke macke Admun Hackines of Tackele and John Nichoules of Bilchangar my exsexturs and thay shall sell my too houses at Tackle to pay my deatbes ad all the goods that ar not in the will shall be disposed and sould by my exsextors and I give Chrichan Horsnayle ye pilion and all that be longith and I give to Giffuri Thurgood fifve pounds for to larne John Browe his trernd up his tinne.