1666 Will - John Reeve


1666 Will - John Reeve


Dated: 30 May 1666, Woodham Walter, Essex
Probated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 26 Feb 1668/9


In the name of God Amen I John Reeve of Woodhamwater in the Countie of Essex Laboror though sicke in body yett perfict in memory thanks be to almightie God doe make this my last will & testament in amner & forme following
First I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmightie God whoe gave it and my body to be deasently buried in Christian buriall att thee discresion of my executrix hereafter named As concerning my woorly estate which it has pleased God to indowe me with I give as folloeth
Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne John and Thomas tenn pounds a peice to be paid unto them as they shall accomplish their full age of one & twentie years
Item I give & bequeath uto Mara my daughter tenn pounds in mony the fether bed wh.. on & bested I now lie with thee curtines boulster cobert one table one paier of sheets one table cloath with one dosen of napkins halfe a dosen of platters one brase pott & a kettele to be paid and dilivered unto her at her full age of one and twentie years And if any of my said children shall happen to departe this woorld before they attaine ther full age of one and twentie years then my minde and will is the legacie of him or her so deacesed shall be equally devided and given to the survivor or survivors
All the readie mony leases goods cattells and chattels my debts & legacies being paid I give and bequeath unto Jane my loving wife who I make my full executrix of this my last will and testament witnesse my hand & seale this thirtie day of May being the eighteen year of the Reine of our Lord Charles King &c 1666
John Reeve his marke
Sealed Signed published
& declared in the presents
of us
Thomas Glassocke
Richard Malt
John Wall


Essex Archives - D/ABW 65/177