1669 Will - Mary Reeve
Dated: 22 Sep 1669, Southminster, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 11 Jan 1669/70
In the name of god Amen the twoe & twentieth day of September Anno Dm 1669 in the yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of god of England Scotland France and Ireland king defender of the faith &c the one and twentieth I Mary Reeve of Southminster in the County of Essex widow being sicke and weake in body but of good and pfect memory god be praised doe make decalre this my last will and testament in manner & forme following (that is to say) First and principally I comend my soule into the hands of Almighty god my creator hopeinge assuredlie through the onely merritts death & passion of his dearely beloved sonne Jesus Christ my onely saviour & redemmer he will receive my soule into his glory & place it in the company of his heavenly angells and blessed Sts and I commend my body to the earth whereof it is made to be buried in Christia buriall in such decent & convenient order do by the discretion of my executrix hereafter named shalbe thought fitt and requisite. Item I give and bequeath unto tenn poore widdows of the parishe of Southminster aforesaid the sume of twenty shillinges (to wit) twoe shillings a peece if there be soe many of them in the said parrishe otherwise to some other poore people of the same parishe to be disposed of all the discretion of my executrix hereafter named. Item I give and bequeath unto Martyn Lilly my grandchild the sum of five poundes of lawfull money of England to be paide out him by my executrix hereafter named when he shall accomplish ....one and twenty yeares and if the said Martyn shall happen to dye before he come to the said age of one and twenty yeares then my minde and meaninge is that the aoresaid five poundes shall equally devided amongst the survivinge children of John Lilly father of the aforesaid Martyn. Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Lilly my grandchilde the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto her when she shall come to the age of one & twenty yeares. Item I give and bequeath unto the said Mary Lilly the bedstedd featherbedd bonslter? and twoe coverlids thereupon the one of yarne and the other of darin... all that belongeth to the said bedd twoe paire of hollandsheets and paire of pollowbeers one great shelf in the best parlour one little shelf in the little parlour to be given and delivered unto the said Mary Lilly as soone as she attaine to the age of one & twenty yeares desiring my executrix carefully to pserve and keepe all the aforesaid bedding and goods from all weare and teare untill the said Mary come of full age to receive them. And my mind and desire that my sonne in law John Lilly father of the foresaid Mary give his conset and likeing that my executrix hereafter named may have the education provideing for disposeing and bring my of the said Mary Lilly my grandchilde untill the accomplishe and come to the aforesaid age or be married (in case the said Mary doe not depart this life before she attaine to the aforesaid age or be married) if my executrix shall soe long live. And that my executrix doe finde & allowe & bestowe my aforesaid grandchilde Mary Lilly sufficient meate drinke apparell and all other thinges were ? & conveniet for her and such education as she my executrix hereafter named is able to learne her for and during such tyme as my said grandchilde shall reside abide wth her not otherwise or no longer. Item I give and bequeath unto my grandchild Mary Pytman the sume of five pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her att the age of one twenty yeares and if the said Mary happen to dye beore she comes to the aforesaid age then I give and bequeath the aforesaid five pounds unto her mother now the widdow Baker if she shall then be liveinge.Item I give and bequeath unto William Harwood my grandchild the sume of fifty poundes of lawfull money of England. Item I give & bequeath unto Enoch Harwood my grandchild the sum of fifty poundes of like money wth said severall sumes of money is to be paid unto oath of them when they shall accomplish there severall ages of one & twenty yeares and if either of them dye before she attaine to the aforesaid age of one & twenty yeares then the survivor to have the others legacy. Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne in law John Lilly the sume of twenty shillinges. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter in law Mary Baker widdow the sum of twenty shillinges to buy each of them a ringe to weare in remembrance of my to be paid upon demand. Item I give and bequeath unto Susan Thurrorke now servant unto Thomas Pernam the sume of twenty shillinges to be paid within one month after my decease And all the rest of my goods cattle chattles whatsoever after my debtes are paide funerall expenses discharged and the legacies afore bequeathed in this my psent testament fulfilled I wholly give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary Harwood who I doe make and ordaine sole executrix of this my last will and testament charging her to see the same duly and truly performed according to my trust reposed in her And I doe hereby revoke or annull all former wills by me made. In wittnesse whereof the said Mary Reeve have hereunto sett my hand & seale unto this my psent will & testament the daye & yeare first above written.Mary (her O marke) Reeve
Signed Sealed published & declared
to be my last will testament in the
psence of
Charles Nuthall
Joseph Graye