1670 Will - John Ryves


1670 Will - John Ryves


Dated: 28 May 1670, London, Middlesex
Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 8 Jul 1670
Recorded: Piece 333 (Penn), folio 216


In the name of God Amen. I John Ryves Cittizen and merchant of London being sicke in body but praised by god of perfect memory and understanding doe make this my last will and testament this twenty eight day of May in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred and seaventy And first I humbly recommend my soule into the hands of my dear blessed God assuredly trusting in his free grace and mercy in and through my Gracious Saviour Christ Jesus to obtayne remission of my sinnes and finde everlasting happines and salvation my body I committ to the earth to be decently buried without unnecessary charge according to the discrecon of my executrix For the disposing of my worldly estate I desire & it may be as followeth First whereas by virtue of certaine articles of agreement indented and made betweene me aof the one parte and my brothers in law Mr Richard Helyar and Mr Diceye? Heylyar before my marriage bearing date the sixteenth day of September in the yeare of our Lord thousand six hundred fiftye and eight I am to leave unto my deare wife one full third part of my estate reall and personall whereof I or any other person or persons in trust for mee shalbe seized or possessed at the tyme of my death is thereby may appeare the performance whereof I have since otherwise secured by judgment obteyned against me by my said brother in law Mr Richard Helyar in pursuance of divers requests proposalls and unto me before marriage by my wyves friends and relatives for and on her behalfe as by the said judgment and defenzanes? thereupon may more fully appear I doe hereby well devise and bequeath that the said marriage agreement as to one full third part of my estate shall in the first place in every particular be well and truely performed according to the true intent and meaning of the foresaid articles of agreement and defrazance or either of them, which being done accomplished and performed I will that the other two third parts of all my moveables goods chattells and debts to me oweing the whole in three parts being devided soe soone as the same can conveniently be gott in by my executrix shall after my next debts and legacies thereout be equally devided among my three children sharr and sharr alike and if any of my said children shall happen to dye before hee or shee shall attayne to the full age of twenty one yeares or be married that then the part and porcon of him or her soe dying shalbe equally devided to and amongst the other of them surviveing share and share alike and I doe hereby constitute and appoynt Christian Ryves my deare wife my sole executrix earnestly desiring though not in the least doubting but as shee hath allways bin a faithfull and loving wife to mee and an duligent mother to my children that shee will soe continue to them and have a tender affection and diligent care of my children that they may be educated and bred up in the feare of god And I doe hereby charge my said children to be obedient and allway to pay a dutifull regard to their mother And I doe hereby make and ordayne my deare brother Sir Richard Rives knight and my good brothers in law William Helyar esqr and the said Richard Helyar overseers of this my will and intreate them to be ayding and asisting to my wife and children and to xpense the great paynes and trouble I am necessitated to put upon them being the only persons I can trust herein In testimony whereof I have unto this my said will conteyned in two sheets of paper at the bottome of each sheete sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written. Signed sealed and published by the said John Ryves in the presence of


England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 (Ancestry)