1673 Will - Richard Reeve
Dated: 10 Oct 1673, Laindon (Langdon) Hills, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London, Date Unknown
In the Name of God Amen. I Richard Reeve of Laindon Hills in the County of Essex yeoman being sick in body but sound & perfect in mind & memory thanks to the Lord therefore doe this tenth day of October in the twenty fifth yeare of the Raigne of our Lord Charles the 2d by the grace of God King of great Brittain &c: & in the year of or Lord 1673 make & ordaine this my last Will & Testamt in manner & forme following And first & principally I comend my soule into the hands of God my creator, hoping in the sole merrits of Jesus Christ my blessed saviour, to enjoy with him eternall life & my body I comitt to the earth in hope of a blessed & joyfull resurrection in ye life which is to come, which I will & ordaine to be decently buryed at Laindon Hills by my executor herafter named. As for my worldly goods I will & bequeath them in manner forme following. Item I will & ordaine that my house & land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging lying in High Easter in the County of Essex be sould & the money disposed & paid within sixe months next after my decease in manner & forme following & First I will & bequeath to my loving wife Ann forty five pounds of good & lawful money of England to be paid to her (according to covenant before marriage agreed between us) within twelve months next after my decease. Also I further will & ordaine that my aforesaid wife Anne shall recover out of my lands aforesaid for her maintenance while it continues unsold three pounds yearly & every year to be paid to her at the feasts of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary & St Michael the ArchAngell every year & when she receive the forty five pounds as aforesaid then my bond to be delivered into my executor & the yearly rent to be extinguished & utterly voyd. Moreover I will bequeath to my loving wife Ann aforesaid my bed, bedstead & all things thereunto belonging being that on which we usually did lyon ? lodging chamber with two pairs of good sheets, one table, two chairs?, two hutches? & in the said chamber one small brass pott to be delivered to her peaceably imeditly after my decease. Item I give to my sons Richard & William thirten? pounds a year of good & lawfull money of England to be paid of my lad & houses to be sould at Hugh Easter within sixe months next after my decease. Further I give & bequeath to my two sonnes Richard & William all my goods whatsoever within doores & without (except as before excepted) to be delivered unto them imediately after my decease. Item all the rest of my goods bonds bills dues debts & demands whatsoever & whatsoever belongs unto me (except as afore excepted) my debts & funerall charges being fully discharged with the remainder of my land as above specifyed I will give & bequeath to my loving son John Reeve of ? - - in the County of Essex yeoman and doubting by that he will faithfully & truly discharge that trust I have reposed in him & whom I make & ordain the sole executor of this my last Will & Testament renouncing & disclaiming all other wills & testamts by me heretofore made, ordaining & acknowledging this to be my last Will & Testamt In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the Day & year above written.((Reeve_Richard_8702|Richard Reeve{DIV}
Signed Sealed published &
declared & acknowledged to be
his last Will & Testmt in the
presence of us
William Rogers Clerk
Samuel Sparke
Susan (the mark S of) Wells