1683 Will - Richard Reeve
Kidlington, OxfordshireProved: Oxford Archdeaconry Court in 1683
8 Sep 1683
Will, Administration bond, Inventory, 203.331; 107.227; 56/5/11
In the name of God Amen! I Richard Reeve of Watereaton in the County of Oxon yeoman being sicke & weake of body but in sound & disposing memory prayse be given to God for the same - I do make this my last Will & Testamt in manner & form following that is to say first & principally I resign my soule into the mercifull hands of Almighty God my Creator assuredly hoping through the meritts of my blessed Savior Jesus Christ to obtaine remission of all my sins And my body I committ to the Earth where it was taken to be dutifully buryd by the discretion of my executrix herein after nmed And as for the worldly goods & estate the Lord hath (?) I dispose thereof as followeth Inprimis I give to my son Henry Reeve two shillings & six prence & I give to my son William Reeve two shillings & six pence & to my wife Dorothy Reeve I make my full & whole executrix & dispose what is remaining after my wife's decease of what estate I left may be divided between my two daughters.September the 8 1683 . Rich Reeve his marke witness of hands
Willliam Clayton Richard Holloway