1685 Will - Phineas Reeve
Dated: 2 Jul 1685, Markshall, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry Of Colchester, 14 Oct 1685
In the Name of God Amen: this second day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and eighty five I Phineas Reeve of Markshall in the County of Essex being ill of body but of perfect memory and remembrance: doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followingImprimis I comend my soule unto God my maker and redeemer trusting through the meritts and benifitts of the obedience and death of Jesus Christ to live in his sight when I shall be here no more: and my body I comitt to the dust whence taken to be interred at the discretion of my executrs hereafter named: and for my outward goods which god of his bounty have given me: I bequeath and give them as followeth:
Item I give unto my loveing Brother Anthony Reeve in Norfolk: the sum of thirty pounds and in case he be dead; my will is it should be devided equally among his children
Item I give unto Mr John Livermer Rector of Markshall forty shillings and two holland shirts and to his three sons John Thomas Peter and his daughter Elizabeth Livermer forty shillings a peice
Item I give unto Nicholas Pearse forty shillings
Item I give unto John Hutchinson forty shillings and to his son Nicholas Hutchinson five pounds
Item I give unto Thomas Hog the elder two hempen shirts and my grey cloth suite of clothes
Item I give unto Thomas Sankins the younger forty shillings
Item I give to James Everet the son of Ambrose Everet forty shillings
Lastly the rest of all my goods moneys and whatever I shall leave behind me I give and bequeath unto my two executors John Livermer Rector of Markshall and Nicholas Pearse of Markshall whom I make executors of this my last will and testament
Phainhas Reeve
published sealed
and delivered in the
presence of us
Exra Livermer
the mark RW of Robt Whight alias Wythe