Lancaster Co., VA, Court Order Book No. 4, 1696-1702
Lancaster Co., VA
Court Order Book No. 4, 1696-1702
(This book was transcribed by Ruth and Sam Sparacio in three installments, 1695-1699, 1699-1701, 1701-1703.)
John Reeves served on a jury, Lancaster County, April 8, 1696. (Sparacio, 1695-1699, p.18.)
John Reeves had four tithables on the tax list for Lancaster County, Court of November 1698. (Sparacio, 1695-1699, pp. 79-80.)
William Morris appearing att this Court and moveing for administration of ye Estate of William Reeves as greatest Creditor this Court does therefore ordered yt if nobody appears at ye next Court to shew reason to ye contrary yt then administration of the Decedent's Estate shall be commited to ye Petitioner William Morris, Lancaster County, January 11, 1698/9. (Sparacio, 1695-1699, p. 86l) (NOTE: The identity of this William Reeves is presently unknown. One William Reeves died about the same time in neighboring Northumberland County.)
John Reeves was on a jury, Lancaster County, September 14, 1699. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, p. 15.)
Judgment is granted unto William Leggitt against John Reeves for fifteen hundred pounds of tobacco due by Bill which is ordered to be paid with costs als Execution, Lancaster County, September 15, 1699. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, p. 4.)
John Reeves is on the tax roll with five tithables, Lancaster County, November 9, 1699 (Sparacio, 1699-1701, pp. 32-33.)
The action brought to this Court by John Reeves against William Ball is continued untill a fuller Court, Lancaster County, February 15, 1699/00. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, pp. 32-33.)
The action brought to this Court by William Robinson against John Reeves is reverred att ye prayer of ye Deft, Lancaster County, February 16, 1699/00. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, pp. 49-50.)
The action brought to this Court by John Reeves against William Ball is continued untill ye next Court for ye Plt. to finish his work... A second entry on this days reads: Judgment is granted unto William Robinson against John Reeves and William Howard for fourteen hundred forty nine pounds of tobacco appearing due by Note drawn for payment due by Bill which is ordered to be forthwith paid with costs als Exo.. Lancaster County, March 13, 1699/00. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, pp. 55-56.)
The action brought to this Court by John Reeves against William Ball is dismist, ye Plt. not appearing, Lancaster County, May 9, 1700. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, p. 58.)
John Reeves is on the tax roll with three tithables, Lancaster County, January 14, 1700/1. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, p. 84.)
Commission of Administration on ye Estate of Corderoy Davis, deced. is granted unto Noah Rogers, Richard Porter, Thomas West, and John Reeves they giveing security according to Law. Walter Armes, John Pine, James Wood and John Lawrie or any three of them are ordered to apprize ye Estate att some convenient time between this and ye next Court being legally sworne by a Justice of ye Peace and an Inventorie thereof exhibited to ye next Court upon Oath. Joseph Tayloe, Security for Richard Porter, Henry Boatman Security for Thomas West, Lancaster County, February 12, 1700/1. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, p. 85.)
Judgment is granted unto Elizabeth Carter, Widdow, against ye Estate of Corderoy Davis, deced., in ye hands of Noah Rogers, John Reeves, Richard Porter and Thomas West for two hundred ninety pounds of tobacco appearing to be justly due and ordered to be forthwith paid with costs als Execution, Lancaster County, April 9, 1701. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, p. 87-89.)
John Reeves was on the grand jury, Lancaster County, July 9 – 10, 1701. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, pp. 98-102.)
Judgment is granted unto George Cointer of ye Kingdome of England, Marriner, against John Reeves for eighteen hundred twenty three pounds of tobacco appearing due upon ballance of a Bill which is ordered to be forthwith paid with costs als Execution, Lancaster County, July 10, 1701. (Sparacio, 1699-1701, p. 101.)
John Reeves is on the tax roll with four tithables, Lancaster County, December 10, 1701. (Sparacio, 1701-1703, p. 10.)