1679 Will - Samuel Reeve
Dated: 5 Sep 1679, Terling, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry of Colchester, 11 Jul 1701
In the Name of God Amen, I Samuell Reeve of Tarling in ye County of Essex yeoman being sick & weak in body but of sound & perfect memory, doe make & ordaine & declare this my Last Will & Testament in manner & forme follow, Revoking & making void by these prsents all & every other former will or wills by me made or declared either by word of mouth or by writing but this to be taken for my Last Will & Testament & none other, & for ye settling of my temporall estate wch it hath pleased god farr beyond my deserts to bestow upon me, I doe order give & dispose of ye same as followeth, First I give & bequeath unto my Brother Edward Crow ye younger to my sister Elizabeth ye wife of John Hawes to my sister Mary Crow all of Hattfield Pevill in ye aforesd County, All that my free hold close of feild wth a spring thereto belonging called or knowne by ye name of Danvers field & Danvers spring lieing in Hattfield Pevrill aforesd now in ye occupacon of ye widdow Glassock And my free hold messuage & land the wthall ye appurtenances thereto belonging lieing in Tarling aforesd now in ye occupacon of Willm Goodman, And all my stock of goods Chattells & money whatsoever as well wthin doores as wthout to be divided in equall parts betweene them, my debts being first satisfyed & my legacies wch I doe herein give & bequeath to be deducted. Item, I give to Edward Crow ye elder of Hattfield Pvill aforesd ye sum of forty shillings of lawfull money of England to be paid him by my executors hereafter named within twelve monthes after my decease. Item, I give & bequeath unto my kinsman John Reeve of Tolsbury ye sum of tenne pounds of lawfull money of England to be pd by my executors that is to say five pounds thereof wth in three months after my decease & five pounds ye remainder wthin twelve months after my decease. Item I give to my kinsman Thomas Reeve five pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid him by my executors at his full age of eighteene yeares. Item I give unto John ye son of ye aforesd John Reeve, forty shillings of lawfull money of England to be paid by my executors at his respective age of eighteene yeares. Item I give to Edward ye son of ye aforesd Edward Crow ye younger ye sum of five pounds of lawfull money of England to be pd by my executors at his respective age of eighteene yeares. Item mi will is that my sister in law Mary ye Relict of Mathew Reeve late of Hattfield pvrill aforesd deceased, doe & shall truly pay unter her son Matthew ye son of ye sd Matthew Reeve deceased ye sum of five pounds & eighteene shillings of lawfull money of England at his respective age of eighteene yeares wch sd sum is due to me from ye sd Mary, Item. I give unto John, Elizabeth & Samuell ye children of ye abovesd Elizabeth ye wife of John Hawes & also to ye child in her womb not yett born if it shall live ye sum of five pounds a piece of lawfull money of England to be paid by my executors at theire respective ages of Eighteene yeares, and my will is that my abovesaid freehold messuage & lands with ye appurtenances lieing in Tarling be not sold, untill all ye aforesd children shall accomplish their sevrall respective ages of Eighteene years as aforesd. (Then my executors i they shall thinke fitt may sell all ye said messuage & lands thereto belonging, towards ye raising of ye severall legacies given as aforesd. Item my will is further that in case my said sister Elizabeth should happen to die before she shall receive her equall part in my said lands goods & chattells as aforesd my debts being first paid & my legacies deducted as aforesaid that then her said equall part or share in ye sd lands goods & chattels as aforesd shall descend & come to soe many of her children wch shall be living at theire respective ages of Eighteene yeares as aforesd to be equally divided betweene them. Item I make my said Brother Edward Crow ye younger executor & my sister Mary Crow executrix of this my Last Will & Testament to whom I give ye sum of six pounds of lawfull money of England over & above theire parts or shares aforesd towards ye defraying of my funerall charges & other expences. In witness whereof I ye sd Samuell Reeve hand hereunto sett my hand & seale this fifth day of September in ye one & thirtyeth yeare of ye Raigne of our Sovrgne Lord King Charles ye second &c & in ye yeare of our Lord god sixteene hundred seaventy nineye marke of
Samuel Reeve
Signed sealed published & declared
to be ye Last Will & Testament of
Samuel Reeve in ye presence of
Joseph (ye marke of) Dickerson
Willm (ye x marke of) Shonk
Wm Ward