1704 Deed - Thomas & Elizabeth Reaves to Richard Exum
Isle of Wight County, VirginiaDeed Book 2, p19
4 Aug 1704
To all people to whome these presents shall come, Thomas Reaves & Elizabeth his wife greeting in our Lord God everlasting Know yee that I ye sd Thomas Reaves & Elizabeth my wife of ye County of ye Isle of Wight for diverse good causes & good considerations, us hereunto moving, But more especially for in consideration of a ? sums of tobacco to us in hand pd or seized to be pd before the sealing & delivery hereof, the Receipt whereof wee doe hereby acknowledge & confess, have given, granted bargained sould, aliened, conveyed, enfeoffed & confirmed and doe by these presents for us our Heirs Exrs & Admrs Give grant bargaine sell alien, convey enfeoff & confirm unto Richard Exum of ye aforesd County his heirs exrs Admrs & ass, two hundred acres of land more or less, be it what it will, in ye bounds hereafter mentoned, scribed, lying & being on ye south side of ye main Blackwater and is part of a pattent of seven hundred & forty acres of land, granted to the sd Thomas Reaves ye 24th day of Octobr 1701 beginning at ye first of ? meadow Branch & Running uo the sd Branch to ye head of the same, and from ye head of ye Branch a direct straight course to ye head lyne, thence along ye head lyne to a ? pine, standing on ye side of Terrapin branch, thence down ye sd Terapin Branch to a marked ash, a little before a pine, thence south twenty four degrees, east, according to ye ? of ?, to a white oak, in searock swamp, thence downe ye various courses of S? swamp to ye forst station, To have & to hould unto him ye sd Richard Exum his heirs exrs & admrs for ever free & clear and freely & clearly acquitted exonderated discharged of and from all manner of fo? & other ?, grants Bargaines, sales, Dowryes, judges, enfeoffs or execturos whatseover, had made done or suffered to be done from by or under us or either of us and ye sd Thomas Reaves & Elizabeth his wife doth further covent promise & grant for us our heirs & Admrs to ye sd Richard Exum his heirs & ass to warrt save & defend keep harmless the sd Richard Exum from & agt any pson or psons, that shall or may lawfully clayme or prtend to clayme any Right, Title, or interest to ye sd land adn that ye sd Richard Exum & his heirs shall & may from tyme to tyme & att all tyme quietly enjoy the sd land, all proffitts proviledges conditions, & advantages to ye same belonging or any manner of wayes appertaining without ye least interrupton, molestation or e? of us or any other pson or psons wtsoever, In witness whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands and seals this fourth day of August 1704.Singed Sealed & deliveredThomas T (his mark) Reaves Seal
in presence of usElizabeth E (her mark) Reaves Seal
Phillip R Raphard
Barbae Markinns
Acknowledged in open Cot held for ye Isle of Wight County the 9th day of October 1704 by Thomas Reaves, to be his reall and free act and deed and ordered to be comitted to Record
Teste Cha Chapman CC