1710 Deed - Ann Reeves to Jonathan Reeves

1710 Deed - Ann Reeves to Jonathan Reeves

1710 Deed - Ann Reeves to Jonathan Reeves


West Jersey Deeds Book N, p528
1 Aug 1710


This Indenture made the first day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ten Between Anne Reeves of the Township of Northampton in the County of Burlington and province of Nova Ceraria or New Jersey widdow of the One Part And Jonathan Reeves son of the said Anne Reeves of the Township aforesaid labourer of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the love and natural affection she the said Anne Reeves hath and beareth towards the said Jonathan Reeves her son she the said Anne Reeves hath Given Granted Aliened Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely give grant alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said Jonathan Reeves his heirs and assigns forever All that tract of Meadow next above the fork of Northampton River upon the north side of the South Bank of of the said River Beginning at a certain oak marked for a corner upon the upland thence runs a course South West by Thomas Greens meadow to a stake set up by the said B? thence ...all the adjoyning meadow Downward towards the aid fork and by the said Anne Reeves heretofore purchased of John Wills by Deed bearing Date the Twentieth Day of January Anno 1708 Together also with all and every the mines minerals woods fishings hawkings huntings and fowlings and all other royalties profits commodites and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Granted tract of meadow belonging or in any wise appurtaining and all the estate right title interest possession property claim and demand whatsoever of her the said Anne Reeves as well in law as in equity of in or unto the said Tract of meadow or any part thereof with the appurtenances and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders of the same and of every part thereof To Have and to Hold the said Tract of Meadow with the appurtenances unto the said Jonathan Reeves his heirs and assigns forever To the only proper use and behoof of him the said Jonathan Reeves his heirs and assigns forevermore. And the said Anne Reeves for her self her heirs executors and administrators doth covenant grant and agree to and with the said Jonathan Reeves his heirs and assigns by these presents in manner and form following that is to say that she the said Ann Reeves at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents hath good right full power and lawfull authority to give grant and confirm the said tract of meadow and all others the said Granted Premises with the appurtenances unto the said Jonathan Reeves his heirs one assigns forever in manner and form aforesaid and that she the said Anne Reeves hath not wittingly nor willingly commited suffered or done any act matter or thing whereby or by reason whereof the said Granted premises or any part or parcel thereof is are shall or maybe charged burthend in any title charge estate or otherwise howsoever other these the quitrent, these out...unto our Lady the Queen and the arrears thereof if any be And further that she the said Anne Reeves and her heirs and will at all and every tiem and times hereafter during the term and space of seven years next ensuing the Date hereof at the request cost and charges of the said Jonathan Reeves his heirs or assigns make do and execute such further and other lawfull act and acts thing and things conveyances and assurances whatsoever for the further better more full and perfect conveying confirming and assuring the said tract of meadow and granted premises and every part and parcell thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Jonathan Reeves his heirs and assigns forever according to the tenour true inent and meaning of these present as by him the said Jonathan Reeves his heirs or assigns shall be reasonably required so as the person or persons to whom such request shall be made be not compelled to travell or go further then to the town of Burlington aforesaid for the making doing or executing thereof and so as such further assurance contain no further covenants or warrants then according to the tenour of these presents. In witness whereof the said parties first above named in this present Indenture hath set her hand and seal the day and year first above written 1710.
Ann Reeves by her mark and (seal)
Endorsed Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Nath Bope John Anham by his mark John Wills

Be it Remembered that on the Twenty 28 Day of July Ann Domini One thousand seven hundred and fifty seven personally appeared before Charles Read Esqr one of the masters of the high Court of Chancery for the Province of New Jersey Joseph Bope of the County of Burlington who being one of the people called Quakers on his solemn affirmation which he took according to law did Declare that he was well acquainted with the handwriting of his father Nathaniel Bope Decd and has often see him write and that he verily believes that the name Nath Bope Signed as a witness to the within deed is the proper handwriting of his said father Nathaniel Bope Deceased and further this affirmant saith not Affirmed at Burlington the Day & year aforesaid Coram Cha Read
Recorded this 6th Day of August AD 1757
Cha Read Secy


FamilySearch - West Jersey Deeds Book N, p528