1714 Will - Elizabeth Reeve
Dated: 16 Mar 1713/4, Stanford-le-Hope, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry of Essex, 18 Jun 1714
In the Name of God Amen the second day of Aprill Anno Dom 1714 I Elizabeth Reeve of the Parissh of Stanford Le Hope Widdow being sick & weake in Body but of good & perfect memory, Thanks be given unto Almighty God and calling unto remembrance the uncertain state of when it shall please God to call Do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and Form following, First being penitent and sorry for all my sins most humbly desiring Forvigeness for ye same I commend my soul unto Almighty God my Saviour & Redemer, in whom, and by whose meretts I trust and belive assuredly to be saved, and to have full Remission and forgiveness of all my sinns & to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and my Body I committ to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. And for ye settling of my temporall estate and such goods chattles and debts as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me; I do order, give, and dispose the same in manner and forme folowing: that is to say -Imprimus I give & bequeathe unto my three children John Reeve Elizabeth Reeve and James Reve all and singular my goods chattles stock of corn cattle debts and what so ever else it hath pleased God to Bless me with all to be equally devided a mongst them when they shall come to ye full age of twenty one years
Item my three God Rings I desire my three children my my have that is my wedding Ring unto my son John & the other two to James and Elizabeth
Item in case any of them die before they come to full age then his or her portion or part to be divided equally betwen ye other two & ye whole to hom or her that shall servive ye others but if it should please ? that they should all dye before they come to ye age of twenty one years then I give & bequeathe all my above sd goods and chattles unto my executors hereafter named & to them that shall be living of them in case that all my children dye before that either of them comes to age
Item I give and bequeathe unto my sister Susana Sparow one shilling if demanded
Item I make and do hereby appoint my loveing mother Mary Fretton & my loving Brothers John Fretton & Thomas Fretton full and sole executors of this my last will & Testament and that they wish ye maniagement of my above mentioned stock of good & chattles being up my children wch ye profetts ye may arise from ye same till they shall come to their full age as above said and then as either of them shall come to age to have his or her part paide unto them according to what will be come due upon ye inventory that shall be take of my above saide Goods and Chattles at my decease and I doe here by revoke disanull and make voide all former wills and bequests by me made, and declaring this only to be my last will & Testament
Elizabeth Reeve her mark
Signed Sealed Published & declared by ye saide
Elizabeth Reeve as her last Will & Testament
in ye presence of us
Sam Smith
Judeth Robison her mark
Henry Hunt