Richmond Co., VA -- 1718-1721 Court Orders

1718-1721 Court Order Book 8

Richmond Co., VA Court Order Book 8, 1718-1721

Richmond Co., VA
Court Order Book 8, 1718-1721

(This book was transcribed by Ruth and Sam Sparacio (McLean, VA, 1998) and published in three installments, 1717-1718, 1718-1719, 1719-1721).

2 April 1718: Henry Reeves his action of debt against Elizabeth Smith admx of William Smith deceased is dismissed the plt not prosecuting….2 April 1718 (Sparacio, 1717-1718, p. 6).

Contributors to this page: Dan_Knight , Beverly and system .
Page last modified on Friday 04 of April, 2014 20:18:15 CDT by Dan_Knight.