1722 Will - Isaac Reeve Sr.
Dated: 12 Apr 1722, Good Easter, EssexProbated: Bishop of London: Peculiar of Good Easter, 10 Dec 1722
In the name of God Amen I Isaac Reeve of good Easter in ye County of Essex yeo being of a sound mind & memory praise be given to God for ye same, doe on ye twelvth day of April Anno Dom 1722 doe constitute, make & ordain this my last will & Testament, (revokeing all former wills by me made) in manner & form following (that is to say) first & principally I doe give & bequeathe my soul, into ye hands of Almighty God hopeing through the meritorious death & passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ, to receive the free & full pardon of all my sins, & to inherit eternal life, & as for my body I commit it to ye earth, to be buried decently in a Christian like manner, according to the discretion of my executour hereafter named, and as for my estate which God hath blest me with all, I doe dispose of in manner following impr: I doe give & bequeath unto my loveing wife Martha Reeve all that my free hold messuage or tenement, called by ye name of Stowters, with all ye outhouses, yards orchards gardens to the same belonging give & being in north end, with all there apertenances & also one like piee of copy hold, adjoyning to ye said premises conteigning by estimation three rodds during the term of her natural life; Item I give & bequeave unto her all that my piece or parcel of pasture ground, lying or being in north end in great Wolth.. conteigning by estimation two acres & three roods with all apertenances thereunto belonging, during her natural life. Item my minde & will is that my loveing wife Martha Reeve shall have hold occupy posses & enjoy during the term of her natural life all ye stock of my farm within doors & without, viz household goods, live stock or dead horses cows sheep hoggs corn grass hay with all ye rest implements of husbandry which be upon ye premises. Item after mine & my wives decease or ye longest liver of us, I give & bequeave unto my eldest son Isaac Reeve all that my messuage or free hold tenement, called by ye name of stowters, with all ye out houses yards gardens or garden places belonging to ye same, with all ye apertenances thereunto belonging lying & being in north end, & likewise one little piece of copyhold ground conteigning three rodds adjoyning be ye aforesaid premises, Item I give & bequeath unto my aforesaid son Isaac Reeve, that my piece or parcel of pasture land lying in north end in great Waltham containing by estimation two acres & three roods, all which ye said given & demised premises both free & coppy hold, I give & bequeath unto my said son Isaac Reeve upon this condition only or to no other intent & purpose but that he may & shall sell all ye said demised premises all ye best price he can gett for them, allowing him to years after my decease for ye selling of them or any sooner determination and all ye mony arising upon ye sale thereof (except) five pounds which I give him over above what I give to ye rest of my children & what charges he is att in selling ye granted premises shallbe equally divided, share & share like between ye said Isaac Reeve Joseph Reeve William Reeve Elizabeth Battees, Grace Raven, & Mary Mathews, & if any of ye persons concerned in this dividend shall happen to die before ye sale mony is paid, then to whom it shall soe happen there part shall be equally divided amongst there children, item I give unto my son in law Skinner one shilling att my decease, Item I give unto his four children he had by my daughter four pounds a peice four to Mary four to Martha, four to Frances, four to Elizabeth to be paid to them by my executour when they arive att ye age of one & twentie years Item I give four pounds to my granson Joseph Rambird? four pounds to be paid by my cutour when he arives att ye age of one & twentie years, item I give unto my son in law Rainbird one shilling immediately after my devease, Item I give unto my son Isaac Reeve, Joseph Reeve William Reeve, Elizabeth Battees Grae Raven & Mary Mathewes all ye stock of my farm within doors & without equally to be divided between them share & share like when all my legacies, funeral charges, & lawfull debts are paid, by mine executour, I doe constitute ordain & appoint my son Isaac Reeve my only & alone executour of this my last will & Testament revokeing all former wills In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal ye day & year first above written.Signum
Isaac Reeve
Signed Sealed published & declared
to be ye last will & Testament of
Isaac Reeve Senr in ye presence of us
Peter Josling
Richd Collins
Joseph Collins
Memorandum that on the tenth day of December Anno Domi 1722 the within named Isaac Reeve executor of this will was sworn to the due execution thereof before me
Tho Bateman Comissary of Good Easter