1723 Release - William Rives to Thomas Jones

1723 Release - William Rives to Thomas Jones

1723 Release - William Rives to Thomas Jones


Prince George County, Virginia
Record Book 1713-1728, p629
14 May 1723


This Indenture made the Fourteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord Christ, One Thousand, Seven Hundred, Twenty three. Between William Rives of the County of Prince George, Planter, of the one part, & Thomas Jones of the City of Williamsburgh Gent. of the other part, Witnesseth that the said William Rives for and in consideration of the sum of thirty pounds Sterling to him in hand paid by the said Thomas Jones, the receipt whereof he the said William Rives doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof and of every part thereof oth acquit and discharge the said Thomas Jones his heirs executors and administrators, and every of them by these presents Hath Granted, bargained, sold, aliened, Released and Confirmed, and by these presents doth Grant, bargain, sell alien, Release & Confirm unto the said Thomas Jones his heirs, and assigns, once certain tract or parcell of land, containing Two Hundred and six acres, lying and being on the SOuth Side of Nottoway River, in the said County of Prince George, and bounded as followeth (to wit) begining at a Live Oak standing upon the Bank of the said River, near below the Fort Road, thence West seventeen degrees South, one Hundred and Eighty nine poles to a Horn beam shrub, upon the Bank of the said River, thence down the River as it meanders, to the beginning which said Two Hundred and six acres of land was Granted unto the said William Rives by Pattent bearing Date the fifteenth Day of July in the year of our Lord Christ, One Thousand, seven hundred and seventeen; TOgether with all Houses Outhouses, Edifices, buildings, Barns, Stables, Tobaccoe Houses, yards priviledges, profitts, commodityes, Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same land or any part thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining and all the estate, right, title, interest use property, claim & demand whatsoever of him the said William Rives of in and to the said Premises and ever part and parcell thereof and the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, yearly and other rents and profitts of the premises and every part and parcell thereof, toether with all Deeds, Pattents, evidences, writings, escript and minuments whatsoever, touching or concerning the said premises or any part thereof (all which land and premises now are in the actual possession of the said Thomas Jones, by virtue of one Indenture of bargain and Sale, to him thereof made, for the Term of one year, bearing date the day before the day f the Date of these presents, and made between the said William Rives on the one part, and the said Thomas Jones on the other part, and by virtue of the Statute for Transferring uses into possession) To have and to hold the said tract or parcell of land containing Two Hundred and six acres, and all and singular other the premises herein before mentioned and intended to be hereby Granted, Released & Confirmed, and every part and parcell thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Thomas Jones his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Thomas Jones, his heirs and assigns for ever; to be held of our sovereign Lord the King his heirse and successors, by the Rents and Services therefore due and of right accostomed to be paid for the same. And the said William Rives his heirs and assigns, the said mentioned Granted premises and every part thereof with the appurtenances unto the sadi Thoams Jones his heirs and assigns, against him the said William Rives, his heirs and assigns, and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. And the said William Rives for himself his heirs, executors and admrs and every of them doth covenant, grant and agree to and with the said Thomas Jones, his heirs and assigns in manner and form following (that is to say) that he the sd William Rives is and standeth lawfully, rightfully and absolutely seized of the said tract or parcell of land, and all and singular other the premises herein before mentioned to be hereby granted, released and confirmed, and every part and parcell thereof, with their and every of their appurtenances of a good, sure, proper and indefeazeable estate of inheritance in fee simple. And that it shall and may be lawfull to and for him the said Thomas Jones his heirs and assigns from tim to time and at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly to enter into and upon, have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy to his and their proper use and behoof, the aforesaid tract or parcell of land, and all and singular other the premises herein before mentioned, with their and every of their appurtenances, without any lawfull or equitable let, suit, trouble, denyal, disturbance, interruption, claim and demand of him the said William Rives his heirs or assigns or any other person or persons whatsoever. And that free and clear, and freely & clearly exonerated, acquitted and discharged or otherwise upon request therefore to be made, well and sufficiently sound harmless and indemnified, by him the said William Rives of and from all manner of former and other gofts, grants, bargains, sales, enfeoffments, leases, estate, mortgages, jointures, dowers, wills, intail, fees, fines, judgements, extents, acts, uses, titles, trouble, charges & incumberances whatsoever, had, made, caused, omitted, committed, done or suffered by the said William Rives his heirs and assigns, or by and of them, or by any other person or persons whatsoever; And also that he the said William Rives his heirs and assigns, shall and will at any time or times hereafter for and dureing the space of seven years next ensuing the date hereof upon the request and at the costs and charges in the law of him the said Thomas Jones his heirs or assignsm do make and execute or cause or procure to be done made and executed all and every such further act and acts conveyances and assurances in the law whatsoever, for the further & better conveying and assureing the said lands and premises with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Thomas Jones his heirs and assigns as by him the said Thomas Jones, his heirs and assigns, or his or their council learned in the law, shall be reasonably desired, advised and required. In witness whereof the said William Rives hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed Seald and DeliveredWm Rives Seald
in presence of

May the 14th 1723
Then Recevied of the within named Thomas Jones Gent the sum of thirty pounds sterl being the consideration money within mentioned by me.
Wm Rives

At a Court held at Merchantshope for Prince George County on the second Tuesday in August, being the thirteenth day of the said month; Anno Dom 1723

The above written Deed of Release of Land Indented and Seald with the above written receipt thereon for the consideration mony mentioned in the said Deed, was in open court acknowledged by William Rives the subscribers thereto, to be his act and Deed to Thomas Jones Gent therein named; and by order of the Court the said Deed and Receipt are truly Recorded.
Test Wm Hamlin C Cur


FamilySearch - Prince George County, Virginia Record Book 1713-1728, p629