1724 Deed - Thomas & Mary Rives to Samuel Clerk
Isle of Wight County, VirginiaDeed Book 2, p641
22 Apr 1724
This Indenture made the twenty second day of Apprill in the tenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King Georg by the grace of God of great Brittain France & Ireland King Defender of the faith &c and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & twenty four Between Thomas Rives and Mary his wife of the Isle of Wight County of the one part & Samuell Clerk of the County of Surry of the other part Witnesseth that the said Thomas Rives and Mary his wife for & in consideration of the sum of five shillings currant money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Samuell Clerk the Receipt whereof & themselves therewith fully satisfied contended & paid they doe hereby acknowledge & for divers other good causes & considerations them thereunto moveing have given granted bargained sold remised & Released & by these presents for themselves their heirs & assigns do give grant bargain sell remiss & release unto the said Samuell Clerk he being in full & peaceable possession & seiz in by virtue of a lease made of the premises hereafter mentioned by the said Thomas Rives & Mary his wife to the said Samuell Clerk bearing date the day before the date of these presents all the Right Title Interest claim Possession & demand of them the said Thomas Rives & Mary his wife of in or to one parcell of land containing two hundred acres lying & being in the Isle of Wight County & on the south side of Maherin River being part of a tract that contained four hundred acres & bounded as followeth Beginning att a corner hiccory between the great swamp & the cain branch thence north east by east one hundred and sixty pole to a black oak then norwest by north two hundred pole to a black oak then southwest by west one hundred & sixty pole to a red oak then south east by east two hundred pole to the Beginning with all houses buildings woods waters swamps meadows feedings & all other profits commodities and advantages whatsoever to the said two hundred acres of land belonging or in any wise appurtaining To have and to hold the said granted premises & every part thereof with their and every of their appertenances unto the said Samuell Clerk & to his heirs and assigns for every to the only proper use & behoof of him the said Samuell Clerk his heirs & assigns for ever to be held of our sovereign Lord the King his eirs & sucksessors as of his mannor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent in free and Common soccage yielding & paying the quittrent due and accustomed for the same being one shilling for every fifty acres. In witness whereof the said Thomas Rives & Mary his wife have hereunto set their hands & seals the day and year above written.Thomas T (signum) Rives (Seal)
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presents of
Benj Chapn Donaldson
Thos T (Signum) Deloch
Wm W Williams
At a court held for Isle of Wight County the 27 of Aprill 1724
Thomas Rives came into Court presented & acknowledged this his Deed unto Samuell Clerk and it is admitted to record
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