1724 Deed - Thomas Reaves to John Right

1724 Deed - Thomas Reaves to John Right

1724 Deed - Thomas Reaves to John Right


Isle of Wight County, Virginia
Deed Book 2, p658
18 Jun 1724


Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Reaves planter now living in North Carolina and County of Albermarle Doe by these presents nominate & appoint my son in law Barnabe Mackinne my Reall & Lawfully Etterney to appear in my behalf & stead in open court held for the County of Isle of Wight in Virginia to acknowledge to one Deed or conveyance made & Done or the yse & behalf of John Right of the County of Isle of Wight aforesaid for five hundred & forty acres of land which land doth lie in the County of Isle of Wight and will appear by one Deed of sale of even date with these presnts as witness my hand & seal this 18 day of June 1724
Test Isaac RickesThomas (his T mark) Reaves (Seal)
John Mackinne

At a Court held for Isle of Wight County the 22d of June 1724

The within power of attorney was proved by the oathes of the Witnesses & admitted to Record
Teset H Lightfood Cl Cur

To all people to whome these presents shall come Greeting Now Kow ye that I Thomas Reaves Planter now liveing in North Carolina & in the County of Albemarle for & in consideration of the sum of forty pounds curant money of Virginia to me in hand paid by John Right of the County of Isle of Wight in Virginia the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge my self therewith fully satisfied & contented & thereof & of every part & persell thereof Doe exonerate acquit & Discharge the said John Right his heirs Exrs Admrs for ever by these presnts Have give Granted Bargained sold aliened conveyed & confirmed & doe by these presnts freely fully and absolutely give grant bargain sell aline convey & confirm unto the said John Right his heirs Exrs & assigns for ever a plantation & tract of land whereon I formerly lived on scituate lying & being in the County of Isle of Wight in Virginia & on the south side of the main Blackwater containing five hundred & forty acres being part of a Pattent of Seven hundred & forty baring Date ye 13th day of October 1701 & bounded as followeth beginning at Seacock Swamp on the North side so runing the various courses of the pattent to a line of marked trees which Divides two hundred acres of the foresd sevend hundred & forty acres to Richard Lewis so along that line to the head of a small Branch & down the branch to seacock swamp to the Beginning of the patten To have and to hold the said Granted & bargained premises with all Rights Priviledges apurtenances & amunities there unto belonging or in ay wise appertaining to him the sd John Right his heirs & assigns for ever to his & their only use profits youre benefitts & behalfe for ever I the said Thomas Reaves doe for me my heirs covenant promise & agree to & with the sd John Right his heirs & assignes that before the ensealing hereof that I am true sole & lawfull owner of the above Bargined premises & am lawfully seized & persessed of the same in my one proper Right as a good perfect & absolute estate in fee simple & have in my self have good Right & lawfull athority to bargainn grant sell convey & confirm the said Bargained premises in manner as above said & that the said John Right his heirs & assignes shall & may from time to time & at all times for ever here after by force & virtue of these presents lawfully peasably & quietly have hold use occupy posses & enjoy the demised & Bargained premises with the appertenances free & clear & freely & clearly requitted exonerated & discharged of from all & all manner of former or other gifts grants bargains sailes leases morgages wills entailes joynters doweries judgements incumberances and exstences for every & that he the sd John Right his heirs & assignes may have receive and by this presents saile hold keep & injoy a good & lawfull Right to the premises aforesaid against any person claiming any title to any part hereof by my or my heirs & assignes or either of us as witness my hand and seal this 18 Day of June 1724
Signed Sealed & DeliveredThomas (his T mark) Reaves (Seal)
In the presence of us
Isaac Rickes
John Mackinne

At a Court held for Isle of Wight County ye 22 day of June 1724

Barnabe Mackinne came unto Court & by vertue of a power of attorney from Thomas Reaves presented & acknowledged this the sd Reaves Deed to John Right & it is admitted to Record
Test H Lightfoot Cl Cur


FamilySearch - Isle of Wight County, Virginia Deed Book 2, p658