1723 Will - James Reeve
Dated: 27 Sep 1723, Chignal St. James, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 5 Nov 1726
In the Name of God Amen I James Reeve of Chignal St James in the County of Essex Clerke being in good health & of sound mind & memory (praised be Almighty God) But knowing the uncertainty of Humane Life Doe make this my Last Will and Testament in manner & forme followingFirst I resigne my soul to God who gave it trusting in his mercy & the merits of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ for the pardon of all my sins, and my Body I comitt to ye Earth to be by my executrix herein after named decently interred as she thinks fitt in hopes of a joyfull resurrection to Life everlasting And as to the Worldly estate it hath pleased God to Bless me with I Dispose thereof as followeth (that is to say) my mind and Will is that in persuance of my Agreemt or Covenants upon the marriage of my Daughter Elizabeth to the Revd Mr Richard Cavell that what remains unpaid of her portion of eight hundred pounds shall be raised and paid out of my real and personal estate within six months after my decease
Item My mind and will is that in persuance of my Agreement upon the marriage of my Daughter Miriam to Mr. William Cavell that her portion of five hundred pounds shall in like manner be raised and paid within three months after my decease And I give unto her my said Daughter Miriam the further sume of three Hundred pounds sterling to be raised and paid out of my estates as aforesd within six months after my decease to make her portion equall to her sd sisters
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann Reeve spinster the sume of Eight hundred pounds of like money out of my reall and personal estates as aforesaid
Item I give and bequeath unto my grand daughter Elizabeth Cavell Eldest Daughter of the sd Mr Richard Cavell the sume of one hundred pounds sterling payable to her uncle the sd Mr William Cavell my son in law within six months after my decease to be putt out for her benefit untill her age of one & twenty years, or day of marriage which shall first happen, and my will is that the sd Mr William Cavell shall upon the receipt of the sd money give unto my executrix a Bond or obligation to pay the same unto my said Grand child with interest accordingly, or otherwise that my executrix shall retaine the said one hundred pounds and pay the same wth interest unto my said Grand Daughter at her age or marriage as aforesaid
Item my will & mind is that after the payment of my funeral charges and all my just debts and the sd several sumes herein before mentioned, the residue & remainder of all my reall estate both freehold, & coppyhold (that being already surrenderd to the use of my will) as likewise all my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever shall be Devided into three parts, One third part whereof I Give & Devise to my said son in Law William Cavell his heirs executors & Administrators. In trust for my sd Daughter Elizabeth Cavel for & during the terme of her natural Life and from and after Her decease In trust for my said Grand child Elizabeth Cavell her heirs Execrs & Administrators.
Item I Give unto my said Daughter Mirriam Cavel, one other third part of ye sd surplus of my sd real & personal estates to hold to her heirs executors & Administrators. And I give the remaining third part thereof in like manner unto my said Daughter Ann Reeve, whom I make sole executrix of this my will, and hereby revokeing all others I Declare this to be my last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I have sett my hand & seale unto the two sheets of paper in wch the same is written this 27th day of September Anno Dm 1723
Ja Reeve
Signed Sealed published and Declared by the sd
Testator as his last Will & Testament in the prsence of us }
who attested the same in his prsence
Wilbourne Carter
Amy Wll
Richd Compyns
Item It was Declared by the within named Testator to be his will and mind at and before the execution of those presents, that in case his real & personal estates should not be sufficient to pay his debts and the several sumes within Devised to his sd children and Grand child that they shall every one abate in proportion out of the legacys herein given them or in trust for them or any of them, And the sd testator did at ye time of the signing sealing the two sheets of paper in wch his sd will is written Declare that this shall alsoe be part of his sd last Will & Testament In witness whereof he hath hereunto likewise sett his hand & seale this 27th day of September Anno Dm 1723
Ja Reeve