1726 Will - Dorothy Ryves


1726 Will - Dorothy Ryves


Dated: 4 Nov 1726, Oxford, Oxfordshire
Probated: Archdeaconry of Oxford, 12 Sep 1727


In the Name of God Amen I Dorothy Ryves of Oxford the Widow and Relict of George Ryves late of Woodstock in the County of Oxford Gent deced being aged and infirm in body but of sound mind and understanding (Thanks be Given to Almighty God for the same) and considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and that all must dye do make this my last Wil and Testament and do revoke all former Wills by me made And with intent that the small substance I have to dispose of may be enjoyed as hereafter is mentioned I give the same as followeth And first I commend my soul to God who gave it and my Body to the Earth I commit to be decently buried as my Daughter Dorothy Tompson shall think fitt.
Item whereas by Articles of Agreement made between me and my said late Husband before our marriage he was to leave me three hundred Pounds at my own disposall in case I should survive him. But my said Husband by his Will gave me an Estate of Copy-hold of Inheritance lying in Stonefield Comb and Wootton in the said County of Oxon for my Life in Liew of One hundred and fifty pounds and after my death he gave the same estate unto his son Charles He paying out of the same one hundred pounds and charged the said estate payable therewith accordingly And the other fifty poounds by his said Will I was to receive of my said Daughter Tompson being so much laid down for her late Husband William Tompson to redeem his goods which were taken in execution of Mr Smith's suite and wch were made over to Edward Ryves in trust for the said George Ryves which fifty pounds I do forgive my said Daughter Tompson And I do also Give unto my said Daughter Tompson the said sume of One Hundred Pounds charged by the will of my said late Husband upon his estates in Stanfield Wootton and Comb to be paid unto her within one month next after my decease. But my will is that my said Daughter shall pay out of the same the sume of twenty shillings unto my granddaughter Anne Hartman and the respective sumes of twenty shillings apeece unto my Grandchildren James Tompson Alexander Tompson Lucy Slaymaker Mary Gardiner Jane Tompson and Hannah Tompson And all the rest and residue of my Goods and Chattles whatsoever I give unto my said Daughter Dorothy Tompson and I do hereby make her sole executrix of this my will In Witness whereof I the said Dorothy Ryves have hereunto sett my Hand and seale the fourth day of November Anno Dmi 1726.
Dorothy Ryves

Signed Sealed published and Declared by the said Dorothy Ryves to be her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who wrote our names as witnesses in her presence
Robert Wilkins
Elizabeth Irons
Cha: Cheney


FindMyPast - Oxfordshire Wills Index, 1516-1857, Archdeaconry of Oxford, 147/3/34