1723 Will - Thomas Reeve
Dated: 11 Apr 1723, Terling, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry Of Colchester, 18 Oct 1728
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Reeve of Terling in the County of Essex Malster tho at prsent in good health of body and of sound and perfect mind memory and understanding for which God be praised yet in aduesense? of humane frailty and serious consideration of approaching death do make ordaine and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)First I resigne my soul to Almighty God my most mercifull creator who gave it hoping for the free pardon of all my sins and to be made partaker of eternall life and salvation thro the alone merits of Jesus Christ the son of God my Dear Redeemer and my Body I do comitt to the Earth from whence it was taken to be Decently buryed and as for my worldly Goods and estate I dispose thereof as followeth vizt
I do hereby revoke all former last Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made in word or writing and Do publish and Declare this my last Will and Testament and do name constitute and appoint Frances my wife and Thomas Reeve my son joynt executrix and executor of this my said last Will and testament And all my ready monys plate Goods household stuffe cornegraine malt stocke cattle Bonds bills mortgages debts rights credits and personall estate whatsoever and wheresoever (after all my inst Debts funerall expenses and legacyes and monyes hereby given are fully payd and satisfied or secured to be payd I do will give and appoint unto the said Frances my wife and my said son Thomas Reeve equally to be Divided between them share and share alike
Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Reeve fifty pounds of lawfull mony of Great Britaine to be payd unto her by my said executrix and executor or one of them within one year next after my decease and to my daughter Sarah Reeve I give and bequeath the like sume of fifty pounds of like lawfull mony and to be payd unto her by my sd executrix and executor or one of them will in one year next after my Decease
Item All my messuage tenement cottage and Barne with the homestall called Clamptrees and three acres of land thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Terling aforesaid with all usuall wages waters profits comodityes conveniences rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging I doe will give devise and appoint from & after the end of one year after my wifes decease unto my daughter Frances Carter wife of John Carter for the terme of her life and after her decease I do will give and appoint the same premises unto her son Thomas Carter and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such issue I do will give and devise the same prmises unto my said Daughter Frances Carter and her heires and assignes forever
Item All my messuage or tenemt & dwelling house in Terling & homestall outhouses and lands thereunto belonging in my own occupation and my tenements near my sd dwelling house and all my lands and tenements with the appurtenances in Hatfield Peverill in the sd County of Essex and Terling aforesaid not hereby nor otherwise disposed of or elsewhere within the County of Essex I will give devise & appoint unto my said wife Frances Reeve & my sd son Thomas Reeve equally between them during the life of widowhood of my said wife and in case my said wife Frances shall marry againe then my mind and meanning is that the Gift devise & appointment of my real estate to my said wife & son shall be utterly void to all intents and purposes any thing hereinto the contrary notwithstanding and I do will give devise and appoint all & singular my messuage lands tenemts hereditaments & pmises last mencioned with the appurtenances unto my said son Thomas Reeve his heires and assignes forever to his and their own use forever and my sd wife maybe att liberty to take her thirds according to law and I charge my said executrix and executor to fullfill and performe my sd last will & Testament to the utmost of their power
In witness whereof I the sd Thomas Reeve the executor have hereunto set my hand and seal the eleventh Day of April in the Nineth year of ye reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King George over Great Britaine &c Annoq Dm 1723
Thomas (his C mark) Reeve
Signed Sealed published and Declared by the above named
Thomas Reeve the testator as and for his last Will & testamt
in the presence of us who imediately afterwards in his presence
subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto
John Barker
Wllm Wright
Geo Andrews