Bertie Precinct Quit Rents – William Reeves
Account of North Carolina income and expenses, including quit rents arrears
Allen, Eleazer, 1692-1750
June 12, 1735 - September 29, 1735
Volume 22, Pages 240-260
Arrears of Quit Rents
ACCOUNT of the Receipt of one-half of the arrears of His Majesty’s Quit Rents for Albemarle County (vizt) from 29 September 1729, to March 1732, Computed at the difference of Seven for one pound Sterling in the currency of this Provisce—12 June, 1735.
Bertie Precinct
By Whom No. of No. of Quit Rent Amount in Currency at Total of
Paid years Paid Acres Res’d Sterling Seven for One Currency
Shill. £ S D £ S D £ S D
Reeves, William (in part) 230 3 0 0
* * * * * *
Source: Public Domain, Documenting the American South, University Library, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,