1734 Deed - Thomas Reves to Thomas Wetherill

1734 Deed - Thomas Reves to Thomas Wetherill

1734 Deed - Thomas Reves to Thomas Wetherill


West Jersey Deeds Book EF, p344
5 Dec 1734


This Indenture made this fifth Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty four and in the eighth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second king over Great Britain &c Between Thomas Reves of the township of Wellingborough and County of Burlington and Thomas Wetherill of the city of Burlington and County & Province aforesaid Gent of the other part Witnesseth that the said Thomas Reves for and in consideration of the sum of sixty four pounds sixteen shillings proclamation money to him in hand paid by the said Thomas Wetherill at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the said Thomas Reves and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof doth fully and freely acquit exonerate and discharge the said Thomas Wetherill his heirs executors and administrators and every of them forever by these presents Hath granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth fully freely and absolutely grant bargain sell alen enfeoff and confirm unto the said Thomas Wetherill his heirs and assigns all his two farms or tracts the one laying and being in the township of wellingberrow and County and Province aforesaid containing two hundred and twenty acres and is butted and bounded as followeth Beginning at a white oaks for a corner standing by Mill Creek adjoining to Thomas Eves's Plantation and runs along by the said Eves South South west ninty nine chains to a stake then east south east twenty chain to a Hickery for a corner then north north east seventy seven chains and a half to a white oake for a corner then east south east sixteen chain to a red oake in John Hudsons line then along his line to Mill Creek then along the several courses thereof to the place of begining the other tract of land being in the city bounds of Burlington and is bounded as followeth on the south by the aforesaid mill Creek and from a gum tree those marked it runs by the land late of Robert Owel north and by west one hundred and sixty perches to a white oake marked for a corner then west and by north twenty six chains to a black oake for a third corner then south and by east to a white oake by the aforesaid Creek by which it runs eastward to the gum tree first mentioned containing one hundred acres of land which said one hundred acres of land the said Thomas Reve's purchased of Thomas Kemble and Ann E Chinton By one indenture under their hands and seal bearing date the twentieth day of Aprill Anno 1731, the other tract the said Thomas Reves purchased of Charles French By one Indenture of bargain and sale under his hand and seal bearing Date the first Day of December Anno Domini 1729 relation being thereunto had it doth and will more fully and at large appear Together with all & singular the mines minerals woods waters, fowlings, fishings, huntings, hawckings, and all other royaltys franchises powers profits comodities hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever unto the said two tracts of and belonging or in any wise appertaining excepting one rode square of land within said granted premises, where Thomas French and several of his family are buried with all and singular the houses, edifices buildings, gardens, orchards, fruit trees, fences, cleared land and improvements whatsoever erected, made done or performed upon the said granted premises or upon any part thereof excepting as is before excepted with all springs, formations, watercourses, swamps, savanas, marsh or meadow ground, thereof right belonging and all the estate right title interest use possession property claim and demand whatsoever of him the said Thomas Reves as well in law as in equity of in to or out of the said Granted land and premises and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances revertion and revertions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof and of every part and parcel thereof To have and to hold the said Two tracts of land situated limited and bounded as in manner above expressed and containing three hundred, and twenty acres of land excepting as before excepted and all and singular the aforementioned and intended to be granted land and premises, and every part and parcel thereof with their appurtenances unto the said Thomas Wetherill his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Thomas Wetherill his heirs and assigns forever more and the said Thomas Reves for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth covenant, promise, grant, and agree to and with the said Thomas Wetherill his heirs and assigns by these presents in manner and form following that is to say that he the said Thomas Reves at the time of the executing of these presents is and standeth lawfully and rightfully seized of and in the above described tracts of land and granted premises, of a good sure absolute and indefeazable estate of inheritances in fee simple, And now hath good right full power and authority to grant bargain and sell the same unto the said Thomas Wetherill his heirs and assigns forever And also that the said tracts of land and all and singular the beforementioned and intended to be granted premises and every part and parcel thereof with their appurtenances, now at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, are and be and so at all times forever hereafter unto the said Thos Wetherill his heirs assigns shall remain continue and be free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of and from all manner of former gifts grants bargains sails jointures, dowers, wills, estates, intails, mortgages, and of and from all other incumbrances whatsoever the quit rents, thereons issuable, and payable to our sovereign Lord the King his heirs and successors and the arrearages thereof if any be only excepted And also that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Tho Wetherill his heirs and assigns from time to time and at all times hereafter peaceably have hold possess, enjoy keep all and singular the hereby granted land and premises, and every part thereof with their appurtenances, without the lawfull let suit trouble eviction ejection, expultion molestation or other interruption of him the said Thomas Reves his heirs or assigns, or if any other claiming under them or any of them and against himself the said Thomas Reves his heirs and assigns, and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever claiming lawfully or to claim shall and will warrant and forever defend And further and lastly that he the said Thomas Reves his heirs executors or administrators shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter during the term space of seven years next ensuing the date of these presents, at the request, costs and charges, in the law of him the said Tho Wetherill his heirs and assigns make do and execute or cause to be made & done executed and acknowledged all such further and other lawfull act and acts thing and things device and devices conveyances and assurances in the law whatsoever for the further better more full and perfect assuring sure making conveyance and confirming the said granted land and premises and every part and parcell thereof with their appurtenances unto the said Tho Witherill his heirs and assigns forever as by him the said Tho Wetherill his heirs or assigs or by his or their council learned in the law shall be reasonably devised advised or required. In witness whereof the said Tho Reves hath set his hand and seal, the Day and year first above written Anno Dom 1734
Thomas Reves (seal)
Signed Seald and Delivered in the presence of Jos Rockhill
Nathan Lovett Sam Leathergood

Be it Remembred that on the sixth day of may Anno Dom 1741 personally came and appeared before me John Reading one of his majestys council for the province of New Jersey Samuel Leathergood one of the evidences to the above written instrument of conveyance who being one of the people called Quakers upon his solemn affirmation did declare that he saw Thomas Reves the grantor sign seal and as his act and deed delivered the same to the uses therein mentioned and that he subscribed his name as an evidence thereto taken before me John Redding
Recorded (?) Decemr 20th Archd Home Reg &c


FamilySearch - West Jersey Deeds Book EF, p344