1736 Deed - Joseph Reeve & Nathan Lawrence to Joseph Ludlam Jr.

1736 Deed - Joseph Reeve & Nathan Lawrence to Joseph Ludlam Jr.

1736 Deed - Joseph Reeve & Nathan Lawrence to Joseph Ludlam Jr.


West Jersey Deeds Book GH, p127
16 Aug 1736


This Indenture made this sixteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred thirty six and in the tenth yr of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God King of Great Brittain &c Between Joseph Reeve and Nathan Lawrence... the South Side of Caesaria river (otherwise Chohansie...County of Salem and province of West New Jersey yeomen attorneys for Edward Scott George Scott and Joseph Scott sons of John Scott late of Newport in the County of Newport & Colony of Rhoade Island Gentleman Deceased of the one part and Joseph Ludlam Junior of Cape May in the County of Cape May and Province of West New Jersey aforesaid yeoman of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Reeve and Nathan Lawrence by virtue & in pursuance of a letter or power of attorney under the hands & seals of the said Edward Scott and Joseph Scott duly executed bearing date the tenty fourth day of October last past to them Given & Granted for and in consideration of the sum of twenty four pounds lawful money of America to them in hand paid at or before the sealing and Delivery of these presents by the said Joseph Ludlam the receipt whereof the said Joseph Reeve and Nathan Lawrence do hereby severally & respectively acknowledged and thereof do acquit & discharge the said Joseph Ludlam his heirs Executors & administrators and every of them forever by these presents the said Joseph Reeve and Nathan Lawrence have Granted bargain & sold aliened enfeoffed & confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said Joseph Ludlam his heirs and assigns forever two hundred and fifty acres of land to be taken up severed? & surveyed in any part of the Western Division of the province of New Jersey aforesaid & ? at any time hereto fore taken up or surveyed which said two hundred and fifty acres is part and parcel of a proprietary tract? bought & purchased by the said John Scott of & from Gratia Bartlet of the City of London in the Kingdom of Great Brittain Widdow Relect & Administratrix of Benjamin Bartlet, Gratia Bartlet the younger A? Bartlet and Mary Bartlet Daugghters & heirs of the said ..Bartlet ..their deed under their hands and seals duly executed be? fixth day of August one thousand seven hundred & sevent.pwer of attorney recorded in the Clerks office at Salem for the County of Salem in Book AAA Relation being thereunto respectively had more fully may appear and all woods underwoods ways waters water courses hawkings huntings fishings fowlings royalties franchises liberties priviledges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said two hundred fifty...and belonging or in any wise appertaining and the ..& reversion remainder & remainders thereof and ...estate right title interest property claim & demand whatsoever of them the said Joseph Reeve & Nathan ... to the same and of in & to every part & parcel thereof To Have & to hold the said two hundred & fifty acres of land herein Granted with the appurtenances unto the said Joseph Ludlam his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Joseph Ludlam his heirs and assigns forever and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever. And the said Joseph Reeve & Nathan Lawrence the said two hundred and fifty acres of land hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said Joseph Ludlam his heirs & assigns against them the said Joseph Reeve & Nathan Lawrence their heirs and assigns and also against the said Edward Scott George Scott & Joseph Scott their heirs and assigns and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same by from or under them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. And lastly the said Joseph Reeve & Nathan Lawrence for themselves their heirs executors and administrators and fore every of them do covenant promise & grant to & with the said Joseph Ludlam his heirs & assigns by these presents that they the said Joseph Reeve & Nathan Lawrence their heirs and assigns and also the said Edward Scott George Scott and Joseph Scott their heirs and assigns and all and every other person & persons whatsoever which do or may lawfully challenge claim or demand any estate right title or interest of in or to the said two hundred & fifty acres of land hereby granted of in or to every part & parcel thereof by from or under them or any of them shall & will at any time or time hereafter at the request cost and charges in the law of the said Joseph Ludlam his heirs or assigns make do acknowledge and execute ? cause and ...acknowledged & executed all and every such ...full & reasonable act & acts thing and things ...& assurances in the law whatsoever now perfect and absolute granting conveying...of all and singular the said premises ...appurtenances unto the said Joseph Lud...and assigns forever as by the said Joseph Ludlam his heirs or assigns or by his or their council learned in the law shall be reasonably devised advised or required. In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto interchangibly set their hands & seals the day and year first above written.
Joseph (seal) Reeve
Nathan (Seal) Lawrence

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Henry Young William Vixen Jno Fodmore Received on the day of the Date of the within written Indenture of and from the ...named Joseph Ludlam junior the sum of twenty four pounds of lawfull money of America in full of the consideration money within mentioned to be by him paid to us we say received as aforesaid by us Joseph Reeve Nathan Lorance Witness Henry Young Kno Podmore
Be it remembered that on the 25th day of October 1736 Then came before me Jacob Spicer Est. Judge of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and County Court for holding of Pleas for the County of Cape May Henry Y? Esqr and being sworn on the Holy Evangelists of almighty God did Declare that he saw the within ? Joseph Reeve & Nathan Lorance Seal Execute & Deliver the within Instrument as their own voluntary acts & Deeds
Sworn before me the Day & year aforesaid Jacbo Spicer
Recorded & Examd June 13th 1745
Cha Read Secry


FamilySearch - West Jersey Deeds Book GH, p127