1738 Indenture - George Reaves

1738 Indenture - George Reaves

1738 Indenture - George Reaves


King George County, Virginia
Deed Book 2, p225
2 Nov 1738


This Indenture made the second day of November Seventeen Hundred & thirty Eight Between John Booth of Brunswick Psh in the County of King George Weaver of the one part & George Reeaves (sic) of the aforesd County & Parish Planter of the other part Witnesseth that the said George Reaves doth freely & voluntarily put place & Bind himself an apprintice & servant to the aforesd John Booth & Hannah his wife to learn the Art & Mistery of a weaver & with them to abide after the manner of an apprintice or servant fro the day of the date of these presents for & During the Term of two years next ensuing during all which Term the said Apprentice his said Master faithfully shall serve he shall do anything thing that is for the Plantation's uses & shall willingly obey all his masters lawfull commands he shall not absent himself day or kight (sic) from his said Master's service without his master's or mistress's leave but in all things ahll behave himself as a faithful servant ought to do during the said Term for & in consideration of the premises the said John Booth doth oblige himself to do his utmost endeavour to teach him or cause him to be taught the trade or mistery of a Weaver & to procure &c provide for him sufficient meat drink appearel lodging & washing & all other necessarys during the said Term & for the true pformance of all & every of the said covenants & agreements each of the said ptye bindeth himself to the other firmly by these presents. In witnesse whereof they have interchangeably set their hands & sealls hereunto the day & year above written
Geo Reeaves (seale)
Jno (his I mark) Booth (seal)

Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of us
Testis Alexander (his A mark) Tempson
Henry Mchis?

At a Court held for King George County the 3d day of November 1738
This Indenture under the hand & seale of George Reeaves to John Booth was presented unto Court & admitted to Record
Copa Test.
F Turner ClCur


This may be George Reaves Sr. of Halifax County who married in Stafford County in 1743 which is parallel to King County County along the upper coast of Virginia.


FamilySearch - King George County, Virginia Deed Book 2, p225