1748 Deed - William Reeves, Jr. and Hardy (his wife) to William Green
North Carolina State Archives
Halifax County Record of Deeds
1746 to 1754
Volume 3, pp. 340 - 342
This Indenture made this 8th day of March in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred & forty eight Between William Reves of Edgecombe County in the Province of North Carolina and Hardy his wife of the one part and William Green Jun'r of the af'd County & Province of the other part Witnessneth that they the said William Reves Hardy his wife for & in consideration of the Sum of Twenty Nine Pounds of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said William Green at and before the ensealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof & of every part & parcel thereof doth clearly acquit & discharge the Said William Green his Ex'ors and adm'rs and every of them by them by these presents Hath granted, (unreadable) , Released, Infeoffed (enfeoffed), & confirmed and by these presents for the consideration above set down doth grant, (unreadable) , Release, enfeoff & perpetually confirm unto the Said William Green & to his heirs & assigns forever All (unreadable) parcel or track of Land containing four hundred & eighty acres lying & being at a place called Jenneto Meadows in the afors'd County & Province and is bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at John Rainwaters corner, running thence So. Sixty five degrees West one hundred & Sixty poles to a Red oak. South twenty five degrees Et. Three hundred & twenty poles to a white oak. North Sixty five degrees, East three hundred & twenty poles to a Red oak and North twenty five degrees West one hundred & Sixty poles to John Rainwaters corner thence in his lines South Sixty five West one hundred & Sixty poles and North twenty five degrees Wt. one hundred & Sixty poles to the first Station which said four hundred & Eighty acres of Land above bounded is part of Six hundred & forty acres granted to Joseph Crenshaw by Patent bearing date the fourth day of August 1742 and by him conveyed to the said William Reves and all the Estate Right Title Interest, use, property claims and (unreadable) whatsoever of them the said William Reves and Hardy his wife of in or unto the premises and the Reversion and Reversion (unreadable) & Remainders, yearly & other Rents & profits of the premises i& of every part & parcell thereof To have and to hold the sd four hundred & eighty acres of Land above bounded & all & Singular other the premises herein before mentioned and intended to hereby granted with their & every of their appurt'ces unto the sd William Green and to his heirs to the only proper use & behoof of him the sd Wiliam Green & his heirs & assigns forever and he William & Hardy Reves for themselves heirs Ex'ors & adminrs to covenant and grant to and with the said William Green his heirs & assigns by these presents that they now are lawfully & rightfully Seized of and in the sd four hundred & Eight acres of Land above bounded and premises of a god sure perfect absolute and Indefeasable Estate in fee simple and now have good right full power & lawfull & absolute authority to grant & convey the same according to the purport true intent and meaning of these presents and that it shall & may be lawfull to & for the sd William Green his heirs & assigns from time to time & at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly to have hold occupy possess use & Enjoy the said four hundred & Eight acres of land (unreadable) with the appurt'ces without any lawful let, suit, trouble, hindrance or molestation of them the sd William and Hardy Reves their heirs or assigns or any other person or persons whatsoever discharged of & from all Incumberances or Evictions whatsoever the quit rents from hence forth to grow due & payable to the Lord of Lords of the Sol his or their heirs & successors (unreadable) excepted and (unreadable) and the said William & Hardy Reves for themselves their heirs Ex'ors and adm'rs the afors'd granted premises with their & every of their appurt'ces unto the said William Green & his heirs acquit them the said William & Hardy Rees, & their heirs and all claiming Right I by from or under him them or any of other person or persons whatsoever Shall & will warrant & forever defend by these presents. In Witness Whereof the said William and Hardy Reves to these present have interchangeably Set their hands & affixed their seals the day and year first above written. William Reves & a seal Hardy (her X mark) Reves & a Seal. Signed, Seal'd in the presence of Sharwood Grimsley, John Grimsley, John (his X mark) Carpenter. Memorandum that the day and year within mentioned peaceable and quiet possession of the within Mentioned premises was first had & taken by the within William & Hardy Reves by Turf and Twig of the ground of the said Land the usual symbles of Livery and Seizn and by these delivered to the within named Wiliam Green to be by him held according to the within written Indenture.
William Reves In presence of Sharwood Grimsley, John Grimsley. Received this Eight Day of march one thousand Seven hundred & forty eight of the within named William Green the sum of Twenty nine Pounds curr't money of Virg'a being the consideration within mentioned William Reves. Sharwood Grimsley, John Grimsley, John (his X mark) Carpenter. Edgecombe County for May Court 1749. The within deed of sale and Livery & Seizn and Receipt thereon was separately acknowledged in open Court in due form of Law and on motion the before mentioned deed Livery & Seizn and receipt was ordered to be recorded.
Test. Benj'm Wynns Clk Cur.
Note: This deed was executed in Edgecombe County and later recorded in Halifax County sometime after its formation in 1758.