Deed – George Reeves to John Reeves
Prince William County, Virginia
Deed Book M, p. 206-207
23 Nov 1751
THIS INDENTURE made this 23 day of November in the year of our Lord God one thous.d seven hundred & fifty one Between George Reeves and Ann his wife of Prince William County of the one part and John Reeves of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that the said George Reeve & Ann his wife for & in Consideration of the sum of fifty pounds sterling to the said George Reeves paid in hand by the said John Reeves at or before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents the rec.t whereof he the said George Reeves doth hereby acknowledge and thereof & every part and parcel thereof doth Clearly acquit and discharge the said John Reeves his Exrs Admrs & every of them by these presents, Have Given Granted Alienated Released & Confirm:ed and by these presents do Give Grant Alien release and Confirm unto the said John Reeves and to his heirs & assigns all that tract or parcel of Land which was formerly made over unto the said John Reeves by the said George by deed of gift Recourse unto which being had will more fully and at Large appear together with all singular the Houses, Edifices, Buildings, Orchards Gardens Pastures Common Woods Woodlands Water-courses Mines, Minerals, Profits Comodities (sic) Hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever to the said Tree hundred and thirteen acres of Land according to the Bounds & Courses mentioned in the said former deed of Gift) belonging or in any wise appertaining or there with all Occupied or Enjoyed or used or reputed taken or known as part parcel or member thereof (all which said premises are now in the actual possession of him the sd. John Reeves by Virtue of one Indenture of bargain and sale to him thereof of made for this term of one Year bearing date the day before the date of these presents and made between the sd. George Reeves & Ann his wife of the one part, and the said John Reeves of the other part and by the Virtue of the statute for transferring of Use into possession and all the Estate Right Title, Interest Use Trust properly Claim and demand whatsoever of them the said George Reeves and Ann his wife of in & to this premises and every or any part or parcel thereof and the reversion and reversions remainder & remainders Yearly and and (sic) other rents and profits of the premises and of every part and parcel thereof together with all & singular Deeds Evidences Writings Records Escripts and Muniments whatsoever touching and Concerning the sd. Premises only or any part or parcel thereof and that the said George Reeve doth Covenant Grant agree for himself his heirs Exrs. & Admrs. to & with the said John Reeves that he the said John Reeve his heirs & assigns shall forever hold a free and Clear Estate in fee simple in the Land premises above mentioned & that the said George Reeves doth hereby these presents forever warrant & Confirm the said Land and Premises as mentioned in the above said Deed of Gift unto the said John reeves his heirs Exrs. Admrs. and Assigns from himself his Heirs Exrs. & Admrs. In Witness whereof the said George Reeve & Ann his wife hath hereunto set their hand & seal the day & year first above WrittenIn the presence of George Reeve (Seal)
Judith Davies In the second line the word County her
Ths T Stone was interlined befor the Ensealing } Ann A Reeves (Seal)
Isaac Reeve hereof } mark
Rec.d this 23.d day of November of John Reeves the just sum of fifty pound sterlin in full for the within mentioned land and premises I say rec.d Vms
Test George Reeve
Judith Davies, Isaac Reeve
At a Court held for the County of Prince William 25 November 1751.
George Reeve & Ann his wife / she being first privately examined & thereto consenting acknowledged this Release & receipt & admitted to record
Wagoner CC.