1762 Deed - Isaac Hubbard Jr to James Reeve
The Grathwohl Collection contains a number of verbatim transcriptions of various unrecorded deeds held by families of Southold. This deed from the Grathwohl Collection is Land Item #156 in Baker's Study of the Reeve Family.Transcript
To all people to whom these presents shall come greeting know ye that I Isaac Hubbard Junr of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and Colony of Newyork in America corwinder for and In consideration of the sum of seaven pound current momey of of sd province to me in hand well and truly paid by James Reeve of the Town County & province afforesd to me in hand before the ensealing hereof the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my self fully sattisfyed contented and paid and thereof and of every part & percell thereof do exonerate acquit and disscharge him the sd James Reeve his his heirs & assignes forever have given granted bargained sold alliened enseaassed conveyed and confirmed & by these presents do freely fully & absolutely give grant bargain sell allien ensease convey and confirm unto him the sd James Reeve his heirs & assignes forever one right or share of land In the undivided mannor of St Georges on the south side of peaconneck River which was purchased of Colonel Henery and major William Smith westward of Halsey part of sd mannor land as it now lyeth in Common and undivided to have and to hold sd right of undivided land with all the preveledges appurtenances and Comodities unto the same belonging to him the sd James Reeve by his Heirs and assignes forever to his and their own proper use benefit and behoofe forever furthermore I the sd Isaac Hubbard do Covenant and Ingage the above demised and bargained premeses unto him the sd James Reeve his heirs and assignes forever against the lawfull claims or demands of any person or persons whatsoever forever here after to warrent secure and defend in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal this 9th day of April 1762Isaac Hubbard Ju
Signed sealed and
delivered in presence of
Nehemiah Barker
Richard Steer Hubbard