1763 Deed - George & Sarah Reaves to James Brown

1763 Deed - George & Sarah Reaves to James Brown

1763 Deed - George & Sarah Reaves to James Brown


Brunswick County, Virginia
Deed Book 7, p288
1 Apr 1763


This Indenture made the first day of April In the year of our Lord Christ One thousand seven hundred sixty and three Between George Reaves of Meherrin Parrish in the County & Sarah Reaves his wife of the one Part & James Brown of the County & Parrish aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said George Reaves & Sarah his wife for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said James Brown at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said George Reaves and Sarah his wife doth hereby acknowledge and them selves to be fully satisfyed contented and paid and therefore doth acquit release and discharge him the said James Brown his heirs executors &c Hath Given Granted Bargained and sold remised and released and forever quited claim by these presents the said George Reaves and Sarah his wife doth hereby for them selves their heirs executors &c Give Grant Bargain sell demise release and forever quit claim unto the said James Brown his heirs and executors administrators and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and sixty four acres of land lying & being in the Parrish and County aforesaid joining the lines of John Sledge George Wyche Stephen Ousman bounded as followeth (to wit) Begining at a Gum a corner Between Stephen Housman & John Sledge thence along Sledges line south forty two degrees east eighty eight poles to his corner red oak, thence south fourteen degrees east eighty eight poles to three Hickory thence of south eighty five Degrees east sixty six poles to a Hickory on Petersons line thence along his line north thirty three Degrees East fourteen poles to his corner White Oak thence of north seventeen Degrees, east forty three poles to a pine thence north Twenty one Degrees west Two hundred and forty poles to a white oak on George Wyches line thence along his line south seventy two degrees west sixty poles to his corner pine thence along Stephen Housmans line south nine Degrees west one hundred and ten poles to the Begining according to the several courses of the said patent Granted unto the said George Reaves for one hundred and fifty four acres bearing Date the Twenty sixth day of September one thousand seven hundred and sixty to the first begining. To have and to hold within the bounds aforesaid unto him the said James Brown his executors administrators and assigns forever. Together with houses orchards gardens medows pastures feedings with all woods & under woods waters and watercourses unto the same belonging or in any wise appurtaining so that neither the said George Reaves nor Sarah his wife their heirs executors administrators or any other person or persons whatsoever claiming or to claim from by or under him or them or any other whatsoever shall not at any time hereafter have any claim right title or interest or demand of in or to the said land and premises or any part or parcel thereof but that the same with all the rights priviledges and appurtenances thereof shall be and forever hereafter to the only sole and proper use and behoof of him the said James Brown his heirs and assigns forever more and the said George Reaves & Sarah his wife will warrant and forever defend this present Bargain and sale unto him the said James Brown his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever against the claim of any person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof the said George Reaves and Sarah his wife hereunto set their hands and seals the day & date above written
Signed Sealed & DeliveredGeorge Reaves (LS)
In presence ofSarah (her x mark) Reaves (LS)
Janiel Sledge
Nancy Befod
George (his A mark) Anderson

At a court held for Brunswick County the 25 day of April 1763
This Indenture was proved by the oaths of Daniel Sledge Henry Beford and George Anderson the witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded
Test John Robinson CCC


FamilySearch - Brunswick County, Virginia Deed Book 7, p288