Deed - Isaac Reeve to Ephraim Puckett
Mecklenburg County, Virginia
Deed Book 1, p. 165-167
14 Oct 1765
THIS INDENTURE MADE THE FORTEEN DAY OF October and in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and sixty five Between Isaac Reeves of the County of Mecklenburg the one part and Ephriam Puckett of the other part Witness that he the sd. Isaac Reeves for an in consideration of the Sum of Ten Pounds Current Money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the sd. Ephriam Puckett the (?) part whearof he doth truly acknowledge for himself have with fully and intently (sic?) satisfied Contented & paid hath granted bargained and sold & by these Presents doth give bargain and Sell unto the said Ephriam Puckett or his Heirs & Assigns forever one Certain Tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred Acres more or less agreed by both parties to with as (?) quantity Lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg & Bounded as followeth West beginning at the mouth of buck horn Creek Thence up the River to the mouth of James Johnsons Spring branch to a B--stck (?) Thence up the branch to a Corner white oak on another branch thence down the branch to buck horn Creek to a Corner Syckmore (sic) thence down the said Creek to the first beginning With all woods under woods Swamps Madows (sic meadows) Low ground and fordings and his due share of all Houses out Houses and Water and Water Courses and all profits and Comodits and advantages whatever of him the said Isaac Reeves his Heirs and Assigns to the Ephriam Puckett his Heares (sic) & Assigns for ever To the only proper youse (sic use) & Behofe (sic) of him the sd. Ephriam Puckett his Heirs & Assigns forever and all the Revenue and the Remainder and all Premises therewith belonging or a ways Appertaining unto the sd. Land & Premises and all the Same rite and Title with Clame (sic) or demand whatever to him the sd. Ephriam Puckett of in or to the said Premises or any part to have and to hold the said granted Land and Premises to the said Ephriam Puckett his Heirs & Assigns forever together forever with this and every of their appertainances (sic) to the said Ephriam Puckett his Heirs and Assigns forever and the said Isaac Reeves of his Heirs Exrs. Admrs or Assigns forever will Warrant & forever Defend the said granted Premises with all appertainances (sic) unto the said Ephriam Puckett his Heirs and Assigns forever against all other Person or Persons that shall lay any Claim thereunto Witness where of the said Isaac Reeves haith hereunto set his hand and fixed his Seal the day and year above mentioned.
Witness Isaac Reeve (Seal)
This Memorandom that quietly and peaceable Possession with Livery and Seasen (sic) of the within Land and Premises was maid by the within Isaac Reeves to the within Ephriam Puckett his Heirs and Assigns according to the free intent & memory of the within writing (sic) Indenture In Witness I have heareunto (sic) set my hand & Seal this 14 day of October 1765 ~
Isaac Reeve (Seal)
At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 14th day of October 1765
Isaac Reeves acknowledged this Deed Indented & the Memo of Livery of Seisen thereon Indorsed (sic), And Margery the wife of the sd. Reaves being first privately Examined & Voluntarily assenting thereto Relinquished her Right of Dower in the Land Conveyed by this Deed which were Admitted to Record.
Test John Tabb C. M. C.