Deed - James Reeves to Robert Hicks
Granville County, North Carolina
Deed Book H, Pages 112-113
25 Nov 1765
THIS INDENTURE Made the 25th Day of November in the Sixth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God of great Brittain France & Ireland King Defender of the faith &c and in the year of our Lord God one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Five Between James Reaves (sic Reeves) of the County of Granville in the Province of North Carolina of the one part and Robert Hicks of the County & Province aforesaid of the other part WITNESSETH that whereas the said James Reaves (sic Reeves) For and in Consideration of the sum of Eleven Pounds Current Current (sic) Money of Virginia to him in Hand paid by the said Robert Hicks at or before the sealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof he the said James Reaves (sic Reeves) doth hereby Acknowledg hath granted bargained Sold Alliened Enfeoffed Released & Confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell Allien Enfeoff Releas (sic) and Confirm unto the said Robert Hicks his heirs & Assigns forever all that Tract or parcel of Land Situate in the County of Granville in the Province aforesaid Containing by Estimation one Hundred Acres more or less and bounded as follows to witt (sic), Beginning at a black Jack oak in Hicks his line thence down another branch a Sotherly new road the old mill thence from said branch Beginning at a Dogwood from thence a Cross the Hill to a Sweet Gum on the side of the Mill pond thence across the Mill pond to a Hicory & to a red Oak thence to a Hicory in the Hord (?) line joining Thomas Persons his land from thence Bounded by lands of Lawrence Pelliford (sic?) Benjamin Bass and Robert Hicks to the first Station With Free Priviledg (sic?) and Good Right to the said Robert Hicks his heirs and assigns forever to build and Continued as a Mill on the chreek (sic) where the old Mill Stands and also the Reversion and Reversions & Remainder and Remainders Rents and Services and also all the Estate Right Title Interest Claim and Demand Whatsoever of him the said James Reeves of in and to the said premises and of in and to Every part and parcel thereof To have and hold the said Tract or parcel of Land and premises abovementioned with the appurtenances unto the said Robert Hicks his heirs & Assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Robert Robert (sic) Hicks his heirs and Assigns for ever and the said James Reves for himself his heirs Executors and Administrators Doth covenant and grant to and with the said Robert Hicks his heirs and Assigns that he the said James Reevesand his heirs & Assigns the said Tract or parcel of land and Premises against him and his heirs and against all & Every other person and persons whatsoever shall and will Warrant and Forever Defend by these presents IN WITNESS whereof the said James Reeves hath hereunto set his hand and Affixed his seal the day & year above Written.Signed Sealed & Delivered } Abigail Hicks } James (his mark) Reaves (seal)
in presence of us ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ } Lucretia Hicks }