1765 Will - Richard Reeves
Dated: 12 Dec 1765, South Weald, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry of Essex, 14 Feb 1766
In the Name of God AmenI Richard Reeves of the parish of South weald (cum Brent) in the County of Essex Victualler being of sound mind memory & understanding, Doth make this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following. First & Principally I commit my soul to the Almighty God, my body to the Earth there to be decently buried according to the Discretion of my executor herein after named, & as to what worldly effects it has pleas'd God to indow me with, I will & bequeath as follows that is to say, All sum or sums of money unto me at my decease, household furniture warning apparel, Ready money, Rock? of Liquors & all other effects, I will & bequeath to my loving Nephew John Reeve whom I make my sole heir & in case I should depart this life before he should attain the Age of Twenty one years, I then constitute & appoint my worthy friend Mr Edward Cox of Brentwood carpenter & my sole executor and If I should survive till my said Nephew John Reeve should attain the age of twenty one years I then appoint him my sole heir & executor first desiring at my decease that he shall dispose of all my goods & effects & pay all my just debts, funeral expences &c ye remainder to be for his the said John Reeves sole use and benefit and in case I should depart this life before my said Nephew John Reeve should attain the age of twenty one years, this my will and desire that my executor Mr Edward Cox shall dispose of my Goods as aforesaid and keep the remainder for the use of my said nephew John Reeve to be paid him at his attaining the age of twenty one years.
I do hereby declare this my last will & Testament revoking all other will or wills made formerly by me at any time whatever, as witness my hand and seal this twelfth day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven Hundred & sixty five and in the sixth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third.
The Mark of
Richard Reeve
Sealed Signed and delivered
as the Testators last Will
and Testament in the
presence of us who at his
request have subscrib'd
our Names as Witnesses
to the same
Wm Mills
Tho Brand
Matthew Bushby
W Coates
14 February 1766
Edward Cox the sole Executor within named was duly sworn
Before me
Hen: Bate Surrogate
The testor died last Jany in the Parish within named
This Will was proved on the fourteenth day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and sixty six Before the Reverend Henry Bate Clerk Surrogate &c by the Oath of Edward Cox the sole Executor to whom Admon of all and singular the Goods chattells and Credits of the deceased was granted and committed he being first sworn duly to Administer.