1770 Deed - Nathaniel Reeves to Stephen Goodhue
Essex County, MassachusettsDeed Book 128, p69
21 Mar 1770
Know all men by these that I Nathaniel Reeves of Salem in ye County of Essex in ye Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England Housewright with ye consent of Mercy my wife for & in consideration of ye sum of Forty two shillings lawful money to me paid by Stephen Goodhue of Salem in said County Blacksmith Doth hereby Grant sell & convey to said Stephen & to his heirs & assigns forever nine common Rights & shares in that Division or parcels of Common Land called Trasks Plain being partly in said Salem and partly in Danvers on ye northerly side of Boston Road so called and in all ye Common Land on ye same side of the Road between Strong water Brook so called on the west and ye town Bridge so called in said Salem on the east these nine rights being the same whereof his sd Father Cockrell Reeves died seized and which now belongs to said Nathaniel Reeves with ye appurtenances to hold to the said Stephen Goodhue &to his heirs & assigns as an estate in fee simple forever free o all incumbrances & against all lawful claims & Demands of all People In witness whereof ye said Nathaniel Reeves & Mercy his wife hereto put their hands & seals the twenty first Day of March AD 1770Nathaniel Reeves & a seal
Mercy (her x mark) Reeves & a seal
Signed Sealed & Deld
in Presence of us
William Reeves
John Reeves
Essex Salem March ye 21st 1770
Then Natha Reeves personally appeared & acknowledged the above Deed of sale to be his free & voluntary act before Saml Curwen J Peace
Essex Recd on Record March 21st 1770 & entered & examd by John Higginson Regr