Granville Co., NC - 1771 Militia

1771 Granville County Militia

Granville County Militia - 1771

Colonial Records of North Carolina
Roster of the Granville County Militia
No Author
Volume 22, Pages 160-167

Company Commanded by Capt. Jonathan Kittrell

John Revees
Malachi Revees∗
Frederick Revees

∗ This is probably Malachi Reeves, the son of James Reeves, who was living in Granville County until around 1770 before moving to Guilford County. Malachi Reeves, the son of William Reeves who died in 1751, was around 50-60 years old and probably would not have served in the militia at that age.

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Connie Ardrey.

Contributors to this page: Beverly and system .
Page last modified on Sunday 15 of September, 2013 14:20:03 CDT by Beverly.