1772 Will - Robert Rives

1772 Will - Robert Rives

1772 Will - Robert Rives


Library of Virginia
Greensville County, Virginia
Chancery Court Records 1792-001

This will was included in the Chancery Court Case between the heirs of Robert Rives.


In the name of God Amen I Robert Rives of the Parish of Brandon in the County of Prince George in reasonable health and of sound mind and memory thanks to almighty God for it but considering of the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed to all men once to die do make and appoint this my last will and Testament in the manner and form following
first of all i recommend by soul into the hands of almighty God who gave it me and my Body to the Earth to be buried in a Christian and decent manner and as to my Worldly Goods that it hath pleased God to bless me in this life with I give and dispose of in manner and form following
Item. I lend unto my loving wife Eliza Rives the use of my plantation whereon I now live and my two Negroes Jammy and Hannah during her life or widowhood, I give unto my said wife one negroe girl named Grace to be at her own disposal also I give unto my said wife six head of grown cattle ten hoggs one feather bed and furniture and one horse
Item I give and bequeath unto my son William Rives one negro wench Lucy and one negro boy named Arther to him and his heirs forever I give unto my said son William Rives one feather bed and furniture.
Item I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Patty Fox one negro wench named Sarah being already possessed with her together with her the said Sarah's increase to her and her heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel Rives one hundred pounds current money to be raised out of my estate also and Negro fellow named Charles one Negro girl named Jenney one feather bed and furniture to him and his heirs forever
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Urvin Rives the lands and plantation whereon I now live and one Negro Boy named David and Negro Boy named Bob and one Negro Girl named Amey to him and his heirs forever and my will is that all and every of the residue of my estate be equally divided among my four children here after named William Rives Nathaniel Rives Urvin Rives and Patty Fox only one feather bed and furniture which I give unto my son Urvin Rives and I do hereby constitute and appoint my two sons William Rives and Nathaniel Rives Executors to this my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this fourteenth day of April 1772
Robert Rives (Seal)
Signed and Acknowledged
in presence of
John Nugant                        }
Benjamin (his mark) Figg }
Henry Williams                   }

At a Court held for Prince George County at the Courthouse on Tuesday the 13th day of September 1774
This last will and Testament of Robert Rives deceased was presented into Court by William and Nathaniel Rives the executors therein named who made oath thereto according to law and being proved by the oaths of John Nuggant and Benjamin Figg two of the witnesses thereto it is by order of the Court truly Recorded and on the motion of the said Executors certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate of the said Will in due form
A Carlos DC
Copy Test
John Morison ClCur


Library of Virginia - Chancery Court Cases